Chapter 10

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Hii everyone.
Hope you all are doing well and good.
Here's another update.
Enjoy (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡.

Third Person Pov.

All he could see is white ceiling of the room he is in. His eyes flutter open and a pain his head make him groan in pain . He look around himself and found himself laying on the bed with IV drop attached to his hand . He try to remember what happened few hours ago and then remembered.

Jungkook was going out to bring few things for Pooja his mother asked him too so he took the shortcut to the super market but suddenly few kids ran infront of his car and he had to put brake that make his car to imbalance and got hit with a nearby wall .

He look around himself and found the button to call the doctor as he try to get to push it the door opened and he saw his father there .

" Oh .. thank God you get up kook...." Mr Jeon ran to his son and make him lay again on the bed .

" brat who told you to drive so recklessly huh! , what if something big happened..what would we do ...." He start scolding him but Jungkook could see the worry in his eyes so he hold his father's hand .

" Dad ...I'm .ok...I'm here and I'm not going anywhere ok .. relax" Mr Jeon signs before hugging him .

" You scared us Jungkook...." He whispered.

" Where's mom?" He asks knowing clearly his mother will be devastated.

" She's coming with .." then only the door open again and Mrs Jeon ran to get son and hug him crying while scolding him .

" YAAH...YOU HOW COULD YOU BE SO CARELESS....YOU BUNNY...." She sobs hiding her face in her son's chest while Jungkook try to make her calm .

" Mom...I'm ok... please don't cry ..." Mrs Jeon sat and caress his face .

" My it hurting" she asks looking at the bandage wrap around his head .

" It just ache a little ok..I'm going to be alright soon hmm .now wipe your tears you know I don't like when you cry..  " she nods her head and wipe her face , Mr Jeon smiles looking at his family.

" Oh...God honey .. please call Kims and tell them that Jungkook is alright.... and tell Taehyung too to relax that boy literally got devastated when he came to know about Koo.." then Jungkook got tense when he heard how Taehyung reacted .

" Mom...can...can I talk to Taehyung.." he asks .

" No Mr Jeon you can't use your phone right now though " the three of them look at the doctor coming inside.

" You got hit in your head so it'll be better for you to not to use your phone for few days..." He informed them .

Jungkook look at the doctor if grown like two heads like he have a business to run and here he's telling him to not to use a phone.

" Doctor... I" but Mrs Jeon beat him to that .

" Ok don't worry about that doctor... we'll take care of it .." she smiles and look at Jungkook giving him warning with her eyes .

" Mom atleast let me talk to Taehyung....he must be worried I know him .." he says trying to make his mom's mind.

" Don't worry I'm sure as soon as he'll heard you're awake he'll be here so talk know you were unconscious since yesterday and he stays back whole night so after forcing he went back to home to rest ..." Jungkook clench his fist as he feel he's the reason that his love is also suffering.

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