Chapter 11

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Hii everyone..
Sorry for not updating and keeping you all waited for or such a long time. But now as I'm back I'll try to fast forward the updates .
Here's one for you all .
Enjoy ◖⁠⚆⁠ᴥ⁠⚆⁠◗.

Third Person Pov.

The wedding preparations started with lots of happiness and enthusiasm in both homes . The news spread about the wedding around the city as how Jeon Jungkook finally tieing knot with his fiancee Taehyung.

The shopping and the planning for the wedding started and both of the families corporated to a famous and common wedding planner who have taken upon the responsibility of the wedding decor, food , and other arrangements too .

As decided by Taehyung and Jungkook the wedding and other functions before the wedding like Haldi , Mehendi and Sangeet going to be there only .

But right now Taehyung is in the more bigger problem and that's who's coming to pick him up from the university.

" Where did this Yeonjun went , I've told him to pick me up exactly by 4 but still he's nowhere." He Huff in anger as he hug himself because as the evening comes the wind started getting colder .

His phone rang and he immediately take it .

" Yes... Jin hyung...when Yeonjun is coming to take me .. I know but ....what who told him to come from that way ....ok... I'll see what I could do hmm... don't worry .. yeah .." he ends the call and start walking to the bus stand . He's already tired from the extra work he's pushing himself to do before he will took leave for the wedding.

" Aah .. I hate buses .." he pouts and sat on the chairs line up on the bus stand .

The weather started getting worst as the time passes still the bus doesn't reach in time . Taehyung getting more and more frustrated and tired . He should have took his car now he's cursing himself only .

" You should have took the car Tae....why wouldn't you..." He says and look around to see a taxi or something. Before he took his phone to call someone else to come and pick him up a car horn get his attention.

But he still ignored it but again the driver keep giving horn and Taehyung in anger get up from there to shout at that person but left awestruck from the person standing in front of him smiling at him .

But he still ignored it but again the driver keep giving horn and Taehyung in anger get up from there to shout at that person but left awestruck from the person standing in front of him smiling at him

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There with a red Audi stood Jeon Jungkook with his charming smile and looking handsome as always.

Taehyung face brighten as he took his bag and run to the ceo to jump in him hugging him close. Jungkook laugh and hold his waist tightly pulling him closer .

" Hey beautiful.... need a ride ?" He says in his husky voice and Taehyung blush as he felt Jungkook's lips on his earlobe.

He back away slowly and look at him , " Hmm ..let me think , I have a fiancee Mr... and he don't like when I talk to strangers you know" he giggle and Jungkook hums pulling him more closer before caressing his cheeks.

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