The beach house

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The first night away from each other, was hard on both of them, while freen drink her pain away, becky cry herself to sleep next to Charlotte.

Freen clearly drunk sends text after text telling how sorry she was to forgive her that never she will she her any different because of dad and so on but every single text stay without a response, until she leave drunk voice on becky phone but unfortunately for her, becky didn't reply to her too.

The morning after the two girls wakes up with a massive headache, and a broken heart becky saw all the message freen leave but doesn't reply to her, it will be easy that way she need a clean break from her, she just sends freen a resignation letter by and blocked her on her phone, it was for the best that was she was telling herself. She sends another email to freen to say that everything that will be related to the contract will be discuss by mail.

Freen didn't go to work and drink all week, she left Nam in charge in the company and tell her to recruit someone to help her she doesn't know how much time she will need with the aches she have in heart she will definitely need to be alone.

She doesn't know what she will do to gain becky trust back, she must have disappointed her greatly, her house felt so empty now, without becky next to her.

She feels the ghost of her in every room, the morning when she wake up in the bedroom she still smell becky perfumes in her pillows she remembered how the becky was feeling when she was next to her how many times she wakes up before and spend her time just to observed the younger girl sleeping face, in the bathroom where her toothbrush lay next to hers and her make up scattered next to her perfume and her own make up when they brushed their teeth next to each other each morning, in her wardrobe where becky clothes were next to hers, in the kitchen were they make breakfast and sometime dinner together their silly or how some time when they cooked it finished with them with flour on each other chasing each other in the house she can still heard becky laugh echoed in the empty house, in the dinner room where they eat next to each other talking about trivial things and when sometime when things get heated they started to felt each other on the table, in the living room where becky computer was still next to hers and where they spends countless time working with each other and stimulate each other or the numerous times they fall asleep with becky head on her shoulder, she still feel her presence everywhere.

So when the week end comes she lied to her parents that she have something already with becky but in reality she goes to her old house, where her last happy memories with her parents were, since her parents death it was the first time she goes there, packing her bag she can't help herself but to take with her the sweatshirt becky always wears when she was sleeping in her house.

Becky had a busy week when she wasn't crying her pain away she was always on charlotte's computer working, Charlotte tried to speak with her but the younger refused to tell her anything and Charlotte was distressed that she can't anything to help her younger cousin.

Becky work on the proof they find when she hacked her father computer strangely enough his business was completely clean, but she find a hidden files who was scripted so she spends her time cracking the system who was protecting the files who names S simply that it intrigues her to no end.

And the rest of the time she stay confined in charlotte's apartment in self-pity, she didn't reply to her friends anymore she doesn't have the heart to pretend she was ok when she was clearly not.

She was hurting, broken even, freen haunted every thought of hers, she remembered the silly jokes when they were together, how brightly freen smiles at her when they found a solution to a problem, how her touches feels on her skin when freen woke her in the morning or just to comfort her when she was stressed, every little kiss to reassure her when she was doubting on something, every little talk they have about their likes and dislikes how she teases freen when she tells her she fears cockroaches.

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