the sorting

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i wait for professor dumbeldor patiently to call my name while i was standing infront of the closed doors of the great hall , i was wondering why didnt he just sort me in private .

everyone please stay quite i have an important announcement to make , dumbeldor said as everyone in the great hall went quite

we have a new student that is gonna join us starting this year , she's a macmillian , her name is lilian grace macmillian , shes the last heir for the macmillian family and the last macmillian recorded since long time after her father zac austen macmillian , im sure you all know who he is he is one of my old preffects , now i would like miss lilian to come and join us , dumbeldor said as i entered

everyone started whispering about my looks and my ginger hair i went and sat on a chair while professor mcgonagal placed the sorting hata right above my head as it shouted " gryffindor " , im happy as the whole gryffindor table was clapping for me and the prefects and the other students introduced them selfs to me and ginny who hugged me while fred and george told me how proud they are of me i felt really happy .

alright everyone you may have your dinner then please go to your dorms and have a good sleep its the weekend you deserve some rest , professor dumbeldor said as all the students got up and started walking to their dorms rooms while walking i got lost between students and suddently was grabbed by the arm by the same boy who i met earlier on the train , draco .

ouch , i said i said as i pulled my arm away
sorry , are you okay , he asked
yes im fine , i said
sorry i grabbed you like that i just wanted to talk to you , he said
its okay draco , i said
you know my name ? he asked
well its written on your prefect padge , i said
yeah right silly me , he started laughting
god he is so cute i thought to my self
hey you lost in this beauty ? he asked as we started laughing even more
no , i said dying on the floor
never thought i would be a friend with a gryffindor , he said
i never thought i would be friends with a slytherin so i guess we are even , i said
yep we are , so whats your family like 2nd members ? he asked
the black family , i said as his eye went wide
my mom is also from the black family so am i , he said
wow really ? i ased
yea so i guess me and you are the last heirs , he said
yeah the last two , i laughed

* from far away distance *
i cant believe that draco is sitting with lilian , mcgonagal said
me either look how these two are laughing , severus said
a gryffindor and a slytherin now that my friends is a plot twist , albus said
totally agree , mcgonagal said
look how he hugs her , so precious yet weird to see him being that caring , severus said
should i disturb them ? asked mcgonagal
no let them be its fine its still not that late im sure they would go to their dorms soon , albus said
alright , mcgonagal said

* back in the garder *
its late we should go back to our dorms now , said lily
yeah i guess so , would you like me to walk you to the gryffindor common room ? drao asked
yeah sure , lily replied

*they both walk together back to the gryffindor common room *
alright bye princess , draco said
insane , i said
what did you just say ? draco asked
insane , lily replied
why so ? draco said as he smirked
because we are in front of basically everybody , lily said
scared of rumors ? he said while laughing
not that but i dont wanna be bugged by everyone asking if we are something , lily said
okay i get it bye , he said
wait , lily said as she kissed draco"s cheek
bye , she said smiling as he left and hit the wall
hahahahaha oh my god are you okay ? lily said as she couldent stop laughing

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2023 ⏰

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