Arc 2: Noble City IXS: Retreat, Fight & Plan

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Disclaimer: I don't own Gate or Nihon-koku Shoukan as it belongs to its rightful owners.

Arc 2: A City, A Diplomacy A Dragon

Noble City IXS: Retreat, Fight & Plan

She marveled at the unexpected opportunity that had presented itself. It was a rare find, a weapon not commonly seen throughout the land, and she couldn't believe it was now hers to wield, But not before erasing the ones who tried to take it.

"So this is that man's weapon."

"Hmmm... Strange. it resembles the designs of a crossbow, but it is very different altogether."

"Hehe, I guess this is what they use nowadays! A weapon for jesters!"

The group of Wyvern knights laughed as they examined the strange thick weapon with three big holes at the tip. A very unusual weapon indeed, which led them to wonder if this could actually take down a powerful monster.

It felt out of place yet this was certainly intriguing, not just for them but the whole kingdom as well.

However, they did know that this would be their last chance to get a hold of it.

As they stood frozen and distracted, a glimmer caught their attention, and within moments a small glowing object appeared in front of them. It was a materia, and it pulsated with an eerie energy that filled the air. Suddenly, it exploded with a deafening blast that left them reeling. The force of the explosion was so intense that it ripped through their bodies, leaving nothing but a cloud of shimmering blue particles in its wake.

Despite its power, rumors had reached her of even more formidable weapons from the north, and she couldn't help but wonder what other secrets lay hidden in the vast seas and mysterious regions besides Rodenius.

The weapon itself was spared, as a certain bunny woman immediately grabbed it and headed toward the area where the recent battle was taking place.


As he watched the beast take hold of the black crystal, he felt a creeping sense of dread settle over him. It was at that moment that he realized the situation had taken a turn for the worse.

"Do you think I could be controlled that easily!?"

He heard the beast speak for the first time.

Luscious eyes widened before taking a short glance at the young lady, who seemingly looked innocent and confused.

He wanted to say those words "What have you done?" Yet it didn't even come to fruition.

His conscience took over.

"Rory." He eyed the girl as if to tell her that they had little time left.

As soon as he made eye contact with her, she knew exactly what he was thinking. She let out a sly grin and reached for her weapon. They took off together, leaving the tense situation behind before it could escalate any further.

When the dark dragon sensed their presence leaving, it roared again.

"Nobody escapes my wrath!"

Less than a second it unleashed a powerful shockwave by smashing the ground and its deal flames eventually attempted to chase the two.

The dragon's laughter echoed across the land as it reveled in its newfound strength. With an outstretched arm, it unleashed a torrent of energy that ripped the remaining shreds of darkness from every corner of the district.

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