Sorting Ceremony

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We all were standing in the middle waiting for Professor Longbottom to speak something. I turned my head to look around when I saw James giving me thumbs up. I smiled at him in return of thankyou.

“When I call your name, you will put on the hat and sit on the stool to be sorted,” Professor Longbottom said and opened a long parchment which was in his hands. “Martha Louis” he said. A girl with brown hairs came out of the crowd and it was clear from her face that she was definitely nervous. “RAVENCLAW” the hat yelled causing the students at the Ravenclaw table to erupt into a huge round of applause. “Clara Jones” he called. A blonde hair girl came out of the crowd and sat on the stool. “SLYTHERIN” the hat yelled and the girl face lit up with a smile. Professor Longbottom called everyone one by one. Now just few students were left, including Rose, Albus, Kim and I. “Kim Solace” professor Longbottom called her. She went on and sat on the stool. It took sometime before the hat yelled “GRYFFINDOR.” she went towards the gryffindor table and sat their happily. “Scorpious Hyperion Malfoy” Professor Longbottom called out and I saw that same boat from the Robes shop. Even before the could touch him it yelled “SLYTHERIN” he happily went to his house and sat with the other students. “Laurel Scamander.” A blonde girl came out, with an odd look. She was wearing a plum-shaped earrings. “She is my parents and Rose parents friend's daughter. Her mother was Professor Longbottom's very good friend.” Albus told me from behind. I nodded my head in understanding manner. “RAVENCLAW” the hat yelled and the girl went to the Ravenclaw table. I can clearly see that Professor Longbottom was smiling at her. He must be proud of her. “Rose Granger Weasley” he called out. Rose went and sat on the table confidently. “GRYFFINDOR.” it was  like the whole great hall erupted to applause but it was just the gryffindor table who was happy to have her in their house. Afterall her mom and dad were the war heroes. “Albus Severus Potter” Albus was nervous that's why I squeezed his hands giving him a reassuring smile. He went up and sat on the stool. And as soon as the hat was kept on him it erupted “SLYTHERIN” it was clear that Albus was disappointed and here in the Gryffindor table his cousins except for Rose and his brother were disappointed. Albus went to the Slytherin table and sat with Scorpious. Atleast he was not alone. The whole hall erupted in whispers on the topic that a Potter was sorted into Slytherin. But what's wrong in that house. I heard from Mr.Potter that the Sorting hat will never sort anyone into a wrong house. It always has a reason. And I know Albus is also there for a reason. I was brought back from my chain of thoughts when my name was called. “Mavis Foster.” I looked at professor Longbottom and he gave me a smile. I went and sat on the stool. The hat was kept on my head and I flinched when it spoke suddenly. “Hmm, I see a Muggle Born, but are you really a Muggle Born because I can see that you are more capable than a normal witch. Where should I sort you? Slytherin, no not at all.” the hat said to me. “Why?” I asked because of the question that was coming in my mind. “Because your mind doesn't work like a one. Maybe you can be sorted into Hufflepuff as you are loyal and kind to everyone. Or you can have a better chance in Ravenclaw. Yes, Ravenclaw. You should be in Ravenclaw.” the hat was about to yell Ravenclaw but it stopped. “No, it's not right. Ravenclaw is suitable for you but Gryffindor can make you great and they will help you in solving your mysteries. GRYFFINDOR.” the hat yelled. I got up and ran to the Gryffindor table. The Gryffindor started clapping for me loudly. I sat between Kim and Rose. I turned to look at Albus and he gave me a thumbs up. His friend Scorpious also smiled at me. I also gave both of them thumbs up and turned back. “I can't believe, I was nearly sorted into Ravenclaw.” I told them. “What? Really?” Rose asked. “How?” Kim also questioned me. “The hat clearly denied the idea of me being in Slytherin. It said I can be in Hufflepuff but Ravenclaw would be great for me. It was about to announce but it stopped and changed his mind. Maybe his because I don't know the gender of the hat.” I explained them everything except the starting part. “Same, I also don't know what is it's gender.” James said to me while laughing. “Shut up you git.” Rose growled at him.

After the feast we all went into the common room. Kim explained me on the way how to enter the room. She said that there's a portrait of a fat lady who asks password for letting us  enter. When we reached the portrait, the perfect said the password 'Hyppogriff'. What in the world is a hyppogriff. We all entered the common room and went to our respective dormitories. Thankfully, Rose, Kim and I were together with two more girls named Iris and Kaly. Everyone was already asleep but I couldn't, so I got up and tiptoed to the common room. I went there and sat on the couch. I don't know why but I wanted to cry. The thought that Dad didn't replied me is eating me from inside. How is he, Mom and my little sisters? I don't know and I can't even know. My hands went up to my neck, holding a pendant which was a birthday gift from my mom. I don't know why but suddenly I have started missing her more. I heard footsteps coming from the boys dormitories. When I looked up I saw James was standing behind me with a confused look. “You haven't slept.” he said. “No, wasn't able to. What about you?” I asked him patting the place beside me on the couch signalling him to sit there. He came and sat beside me. “Same wasn't able to.” he replied, I nodded my head. We both fell into a silence when he spoke out of nowhere. “Were you thinking something?” he asked me out of the blue. I was shocked on how did find out. “You know some of the first years behave like this only. I also did. Others don't sleep because of the excitement or nervousness for the next day or they are busy thinking about what is going to happen next in their life.” he said still looking at the fireplace, while I was looking at him the whole time listening his words carefully. “What were you thinking?” I asked him suddenly Before I realised it. “I was not thinking, it was more like a planning.” he said as he looked at me. “What planning?” I asked as a chuckle escaped my mouth. “I don't know, it was just a thought came into my mind about what am I gonna do next and how am I going to make my parents proud of me.” he said while I hummed. “What were you thinking?” he asked me. “About my family. I am missing them. Last night I sent an owl to my dad, but he didn't sent a reply. Maybe he doesn't know how to do it.” I said trying to reason him. He looked at me smiled at me reassuring me. “It's okay he will reply. But before you should get back to bed. You have classes tomorrow, don't want to be late in first day right.” he said cheerfully. I smiled and nodded and got up. “You should also go now.” I said to him on which he got up and bowed to me like I have given him order. I laughed at his silliness. “Good night Jamesey kins.” I teased him and started walking to my dorm. “Seriously, Mav. You also. Don't call me that. Good night.” he tried to sound offended but failed and greeted me back with a smile and left to his dorm. I also went back and lied in the bed. It didn't take much longer before I fell into a deep slumber.

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