I sat down on the bus next to my brother. I was so excited! Me and my brother were going to stay in Gravity Falls for good. I stared at my brother with a smile, he just sighed sadly and looked out the window. I frowned, he's been like this ever since Jasmine broke up with him a week ago. I was hoping he would be happier about going to Gravity Falls. I was also hoping he would forget about Jasmine...boy was I wrong. I nudged my brother and said "Come on Dipper! Can't you forget about Jasmine? It's been a week Dipper...she already moved on." He stared shocked at me and I regretted saying that "W-what did you say?" I gulped and said "Dipper, haven't you heard? She's dating Marci...." Dipper slouched in his seat whispering "S-she was into girls...?" He then started snacking his head. After a while of that he fell asleep, I did too, but before I did I saw a single tear fall from his eye. I wiped it away with the sleeve of my sweater and fell asleep.
I smacked my head as Mabel told me that Jasmine was dating Marci. After a while I felt sleep take over me. Well why wouldn't it? I haven't had that much sleep since Jasmine broke up with me. After a while I was awoken by Mabel. She jumped up and down saying "We're here!!! We're here!!!" All I could do was smile slightly. I'm glad Mabel hasn't changed much since we were younger. She still had a lively and bubbly personality, she still wore her colorful and bright sweaters, the only thing that changed was that she could be mature when needed. Which honestly I didn't mind, but other then that she was still her same childish self. We got off the bus and walked all the way to the Mystery Shack. Once we got there we were greeted by Wendy and Sos. Apparently Stan was out on some business and he was returning later. I walked into the shack with Mabel trailing behind me. Once we were inside we just placed our stuff in the living room and watched tv until Stan got back.
I knew Dipper and Mabel were going to get here later today, but I had to go run an errand. Since I didn't want the kid there by himself with Dipper and Mabel I brought him along. We were heading back to the shack until the kid spoke "Stanford...you still don't trust me do you?" I tensed at his question and pretended like I didn't know what he was talking about "What do you mean kid?" He stood in front of me and said "Listen Stanford. I won't hurt Shooting Star or Pine Tree. Everyone knows that by now, all except you. When I made that deal years ago I meant it. I won't hurt anyone dear to you so trust me, just like red head and the question mark do." I thought about what he said and he was right. Ever since he came to live with me, he hasn't caused any problems. Well he did get into a fight with a customer but other then that he hasn't given me any problems and he was a great help when I wasn't around. I smacked the kids back playfully "You know what kid? Now that I realize your not that bad!" The kid smiles and smacks my back playfully as well. "Good to know Stanford! So let's hurry up! I know they are already here!" I smiled as I watched the kid then run in the direction of the Mystery Shack. I smiled as I sprinted after him and thought 'It's never boring with this kid around!'

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