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As I fell asleep with my comforter making me fall into a deep sleep, I started to see a dream, Not something I usually have but it was strange, I felt myself awake in a dream. I looked around me and looked down. It was my body, fast asleep. I realized that my soul had left my body and started to go up up and away. I did not die, I couldn't have.

I am very healthy so I could not have possibly just died. I was being transported in my sleep elsewhere. I have no idea what happened. It doesn't even make sense. 

As I was leaving my A-Frame I felt wonderful, I felt like I was not in heaven, but the Holy Spirit was taking me somewhere, far away. 

I then opened my eyes to see a forest. I woke up with the same clothes that I was wearing when I went to sleep, I looked around feeling the pine trees with my fingers. Just in awe. I then tried to look around to see what maybe could have happened. (I did not even know if I was awake or not.) After walking a while, I felt something in my pocket. I little brass pocket watch. It looked very old and then I saw an engraving in it. It had the shape of a cross embedded in a paw print. I was marveled at the sight of it. I was looking at it then I heard a sound..

Leaves crunching and twigs snapping. There was something there. I did not know what, Honestly I did not want to know. Then I heard a short and subtle grunt. I recognized it. 

"Hello?" I said extremely softly and quietly not knowing what it was exactly. Then, I heard, "Colby?" I looked and it was Christian. I will give you a few seconds to process it but you can't so I will continue. We gave each other wide eyes and then Christian touched my chest. 

"Is it YOU?" He said with a wrestler voice.

"The question is, is it you?!" I said extremely confused at the sight of my brother and us talking to each other in some weird "experience".

"Say something to me I only know." 

"Cubbuba. And outer banks Minnesota." Christian said confidently.

"MLX." I said.

We high fived and I am not sure why probably because we were happy to see each other.

"Where is Luana?" I said.

"I have no idea maybe she is not here and she is sleeping?"

"But we are sleeping." I said.

"I don't know."

Then we heard something else. It sounded larger. Definitely not Luana. 

I grabbed a stick instantly to where It was not rot and it would do some damage. 

What we were hearing emerged from the forest. It was not Luana, It was a wolf. 

For some reason, Me and Christian both forgot how to handle a wolf even though we do this sort of thing for fun.

The wolf looked at us. We looked at it. It was not aggressive.

Then the wolf came and sat by us looking around. We obviously gave each other big eyes wondering what this whole shenanigan was and before we could say anything the wolf then stepped in front of us and started to speak. Thats when I knew this was a dream.

The wolf said this, "I am an angel sent from the Lord, I am here to say to you this, The world is going to change tomorrow, Drastically. You two and Luana are going to flea in a unique manner. Your location and what you have put you into a situation you cannot get out with just what you have. You have to have a different form to get out of bad company. Thus, when you fall asleep at night. Your spirits will go into a wolf body and you will be conscious in that wolf body. You will have a great advantage in the world abasing others. Use it to do God's will for you."

What would you do if this happened, I just had to ask that.

Me and Christian nodded (We had really no idea what to even process anymore) And then suddenly,

We woke up.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2023 ⏰

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