Broken choise

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Madara walked with a grim expression soon he stopped and stayed on his side.

Hashirama walked to the lake remembering what his father told him.

He couldn't do it. He couldn't kill them.

---flash back----

" Hashirama. Do you know of what clan does two children you go with are from.?"

His father looked at him seriously while his younger brother tobirama sat next to him .


" the boy. Is the son of the Uchiha clans leader." Hashiramas eyes widen hearing "..... .." " I made tobirama fallow you today. You've go out frequently." "....." He clutched his hands tightly glaring at his younger brother. Tobirama on the other hand kept his stoic expression not bothered.

"And the girl. She must be killed." the boy look at him " she's an enigma. Uchiha and senju. "

"But father !" Hashirama was frighten more now.

" tomorrow you three will meet correct ? I want you to fallow them. First the Uchia if he finds out what your doing. kill him. Then the girl." His father was staring at him with a gaze .

Hashirama trembled and nodded slowly while standing up. He bowed and slowly made his leave.

_(n)_ soon appeared. She had a straight face while standing in the rock of the river' ....I knew it......' She smiled trying to lighten up the place a bit.

They all look at each other.

" _(n)_! We'll give you our rocks and you throw them back at us ." Madara yelled while holding his tightly. Hashirama nodded " and be sure to look and see if they aren't different ones then the ones we gave each other okay ."

The girl sigh nodding while having her arms out.

Both boys threw her the rocks quickly having a determined expression. She got them and looked. She gasped a bit reading them but then threw them back quickly but hashiramas to Madara and Madaras to Hashirama .

Both boys got them and looked. Their eyes widen.

The three stood in silence " I have to leave I remembered my aunt... Wanted me back quickly ..."

" okay.. Well I have something important to do so see yah guys.."

" okay  meet you guys later..."

A three turned. Madara and Hashirama ran quickly .

_(n)_ wasn't so lucky when she was turning two chained kunais where thrown making them wrap around her. She gasp in horror seeing her not able to move ' they have .....' She saw the thorn strings.

Four shadows came out quickly . Madara and Hashirama turned fast with wide eyes .

" hmp. Seems you've came .Batsuma Senju. But this enigma is the uchihas." Tajima said while smirking he slowed looked down at the frighten girl.

" your Tobirama correct .?" Izuna said while having a katana ready.

"Hmp. That was my saying . Uchiha Tajima." The Batsuma said staring at her readying his weapon.

" Izuna. Right ." Tobirama said while holding a sword tightly.
Madara and Hashirama ran back seeing them beginning to fight .


_(n)_ was trembling while sitting down seeing the two men having their swords clashing on top of her head.

They eyed  their sons then jumped up throwing a sword/ kunai at them along with the girl.

Two rocks threw the sword and kunai on the water.

Madara was on the left side looking Down " I won't let anyone.. Harm my brother .... And my friend...."

Hashirama stood on the right " neither would I...."

Their fathers and brothers stood their in silence watching .

_(n)_ looked at them trembling.

" seems we can't be friend...."

"Madara !?"

The boy looked at him " I'm an Uchiha...we killed your brothers. Remember that. I would built what you said... But your a senju.."

" so what we're friends ! And _(n)_ she's a senju also!" The boy yelled.

" shut up. I'm Madara Uchiha." The boy looked at him with the sharingan activated ." And so is she." Hashirama had wide eyes and clutching his hands tightly .

" Madara . Can we take them.?"

"No. His stronger then me."

"There's a kid stronger then you big brother !?" Izuna said.

Both fathers looked at one an other then at the shaking girl on the rock.

" what's your name ." Tajima asked .

The girl looked at him then at water staying silent "......"

"_(n)_" Madara said .

" well then. _(n)_. Come with us. And we won't harm you. And your father." Tajima said looking down at her . Her eyes widen as she looked at him again "......"

" nonsense . A senju must be with the clan. Child come with us. " Batsuma said.

The girl stood up slowly looking confuse thinking ' if ...I got Madara... But they killed mom... And if I go with Hashirama...they would kill my dad...." She looked at tajima seeing his caring expression '....'

"_(n)_." Madara said putting his hand out " we said we were siblings right."

" _(n)_. " Hashirama said " we can built the place I promised ."

The girl looked down. Then looked at Hashirama ".............I'm..sorry ... But I don't belong with the senju....." She closed her eyes sniffing and opened them again showing the sharingan " I look like an Uchiha already......."

Hashirama blinked lowering his hand slowly .Batsuma and Tobirama stared at her with wide eyes. Now two awakened  their sharingan on an early age. That was bad luck.

The girls mouth trembled a bit. Hashirama saw the pain in her eyes '...'  She slowly turned to Madara . The chains that held her on the rock broke and she raised her hand up putting it on his.

The boy smiled along with his father. Tajima was impressed seeing an other specially a half having the sharingan activated like this son. This was an extra point for keeping her alive.

The short friendship they all started ended there.

_(n)_ rejected for being known as half senju all this years is now a full Uchiha. An Uchiha that will soon bring forth victory to the clan along side Madara.

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