The Legend Rises 黒( kuro/ Black)

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(Note: I might skip some parts since they do way too much talking , also I'm not sure if I'm going to to the part Kaguya awakens since well...reader-Chan won't be that involve but I'll see ('・w・') thank you for reading if you made it this far !!♡)

The coffin opened from the front.
bright red orbs glowed inside the darkness. Heavy foot steps where heard along with the armors movement. Cold breath came out the mans mouth. He stepped out fully.

Black long silky hair moved with the wind. Pale skin showed cracks from the jutsu. Madara looked at his state and turned to MŪ "what's the meaning of this." He glared. This wasn't how he was suppose to be resurrected. MŪ was soon posses by kabuto , he told him about the akatsuki and about Obito also the type of jutsu he used.

Madara smirked and crossed his arms while walking towards the end of the rock looking down "their headbands say shinobi, but they are wearing different clothing ." "It's an alliance, You have been awaken on the time of war"

Everyone looked up at him in horror.
Naruto breath hard a bit " so that's the real Madara Uchiha?" "Yes." Garra said looking up. The tsuchikage glared with wide eyes seeing him , he remembered when he attacked the stone village along with his wife, he was glade she wasn't there but it didn't change anything since it was Madara.

Sand quickly tried to get them. Madara jumped down glaring and looked at them " very well then, let's dance."

"Here he comes."

The Uchiha walked calmly. The shinobi got ready while some prayed and others trembled .

Madara began to run quickly making his armor make a lot of clacking noises.

"Everyone don't look at him on the eyes !!" Tsuchikage yelled.

Bodies where seen being thrown on the air. Many where paralyzed by how he moved. This man was way out of their fighting league. Madara showed no mercy, not even to the young female shinobi. That's when he got a boy by the neck bringing him up " do you want to dance too." a heavy gust of wind blew him far off " don't underestimate me." Tamari said smirking.
The male sat up dusting him self as he looked at her "hmp." He locked his fingers together " fire style: majestic destroyer flame" he took a deep breath and let out a gigantic ocean of fire boredly.

The water village ninja ran quickly making a giant wave of water go towards it.

That's when the mist came.

---------after many attempts/ renigan awakens--------

"Hmp. This is no power of your creation." Madara said glaring at the man next to him and slammed his hands together making a giant susano'o.

Everyone looked up. Many laughed nervously while others began to give up.

A giant mediator was seen coming down.

"Are you taking us down also?" MŪ said.

"Of course. The point of reanimation means to take people with you." Madara stated looking.

"Is...this the power of a god..?" Garra said while looking with wide eyes .
Soon the shinobi were seen running, some were taking refuge.

Madara blinked and saw something " a flying shinobi...?" He tilted his head and smirked a bit " don't tell me that's the brat from the stone village."

Tsuchikage quickly stopped the thing. Madara chuckled " not bad Ohnoki. But what about the other."

A crash was heard and everything went black.
"So this is the power of the sage of six path...? Interesting .." Kabuto/ MŪ stated while being rebuilt along with Madara"hmp."

Madara looked at him " your names kabuto right? What did you do to this body..?"

"I made your body stronger then it was, so you won't have any trouble."

Madara glared at him " how do you know how strong I was ?"

"Studies ." Kabuto smirked.

"What do you know ?"

"I know little bit from the information I gathered, your wife was killed on the clash with Hashirama on the final valley but you weren't. Am I correct. You escaped with a piece of Hashiramas DNA" Madara looked at him " what more do you know about my body. You can't even read the Uchiha tablet ." Madara began to glare while staring at him " I only know a bit. But don't be angered, I did nothing bad ." Kabuto smirked while making MŪ look at him "I simply made you well~ I am your ally."

Madara got the turtle neck of the shirt and looked inside "hmp that explains...." He turned to him again" But it seems someone was forgotten."

"Oh no. I didn't forget about her."

" bring her then. She would hate to miss this." Madara crossed his arms.

Kabuto smirked and made MŪ do a hand sign " Edo Tensai!"

A coffin appeared standing up.

Madara turned to it waiting.

The cover began to move to the side. Delicate pale fingers where shown coming out.

Kuro-Tama ( Madara Uchiha X half Uchiha Reader)Where stories live. Discover now