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The days flew by, and it was like he had sunk into this deep hole of darkness.

He just stopped eating, knowing that the members wouldn't care anyway. They were too busy with the tour coming up.

There were days when Wooyoung just ate an apple or a salad, sometimes even nothing if the members didn't notice the whole day.

At least he got away with it, which felt like a win for him.

The weight came off too, just not something he noticed when he looked in the mirror.

He looked like the same. Maybe even fatter. How could the weight lie? There was no way it was true. He didn't even look skinny yet!

Wooyoung felt lost. Why couldn't he just look skinny?


Wooyoung was about to go to his room after he'd gotten his hair done, it was now back to the Oreo look. Black and white, like at kingdom. His favorite hair colors out of all time.

San was currently laying on the couch and called him over, "Wooyoung-ssi!"

Wooyoung felt nervous, what if San asked him to cuddle?

Wooyoung took nervous steps over at the couch and smiled, "yea?"


Wooyoung felt his heart drop, but did it anyways. San hugged him and Wooyoung was laying with his back facing San.

San began playing with his hair, "you know, this color really suits you."

"You think?" Wooyoung began nervously, though tried to sound normal.

"Mhm," was all San said and continued playing with his hair, "say, Wooyoungie, when did you get so skinny?"

Wooyoung's heart dropped. Did San just notice?

"W-what do you mean?" Wooyoung cursed himself for the way his voice trembled.

"Are you kidding? Only a fool wouldn't notice how thin you've got!" San sounded a bit annoyed, which Wooyoung took to heart, maybe he was just jealous.

Wooyoung got out of San'a grip and stood up, suddenly angry.

"I don't know what you're talking about, but if you don't cut it out, we aren't going to cuddle."

San looked shocked at this but didn't say anything further. His face told it all though.

Maybe he was just jealous.

Yeah, that's what San was, Jealous.

As dinner rolled around, they all agreed to go to a restaurant together, since they'd worked so hard. They said it was their 'reward'. But for Wooyoung it didn't feel like a reward, instead it felt like a nightmare.

Wooyoung ignored San staring daggers at him, and decided to just completely ignore the other.

Wooyoung could feel eyes on him, and suddenly became very uncomfortable. Why were they staring?

As they came at the restaurant, Wooyoung became even more nervous. What was he even gonna order? Probably the lowest calorie thing.

As they were seated, Wooyoung could feel San's eyes from across the table. Wooyoung still ignored it, not having enough patience to deal with this thing.
Their menu card came and Wooyoung was seeking for something he could possibly have. The kimchi-jjigae must be low in calories right? Or what? Was there possibly any oil in? Of course there was.

As they all ordered their food, Wooyoung could still feel their eyes on him, making him even more uncomfortable than he already was.

He wanted to go home, home and never face any of them again.

They sat in silence, waiting. No one daring to say a word. Which was unlikely for them.

Wooyoung took up his mobile phone, not caring if it was rude. He couldn't stand the loud silence.

He began looking at thinspo, something he enjoyed that made him mad too. They all looked way more perfect than him.

Suddenly his phone was grabbed out of his hand by San. Wooyoung looked shocked and tried taking it back, no avail. San was still taller than him and held the mobile far over his head, so Wooyoung couldn't get it.

"San!" It was Seonghwa, surprised by San's actions, "we're at a restaurant, sit back down and give Wooyoung his phone."

But San didn't budge, he kept holding the phone over his head and didn't say a word, only glaring Wooyoung in the eyes with so much hate. It hurt.

Panic raised in Wooyoung, they couldn't see what was on the phone. They couldn't. They couldn't. They couldn't.

That would just ruin his whole plan!

Wooyoung kept fighting, jumping and hissing at San, yet nothing worked. He felt hopeless.

Suddenly a void boomed, "Choi San!"

It was their leader, looking angry as ever. That's when San finally gave up and gave Wooyoung his phone back.

Wooyoung glared as San was being scolded by their leader. How could he?

As they all had calmed down, their food arrived. Wooyoung looked at the portion size. It was huge.

He could feel San's eyes at him, glaring, yet Wooyoung ignored him again.

Wooyoung ate, ate without thinking, it didn't feel good. It made him feel even worse.

Wooyoung stopped, he couldn't physically stomach any more, he felt beyond full. Gosh he'd probably gained so much weight just by this one meal.

"What's the matter Wooyoung, are you not feeling good?" It was San, probably mocking him.

Wooyoung glared at him, while his members glanced worriedly at them both.

"I can't eat anymore," he said instead, admitting defeat.

"You barely ate anything!"

"San-" it was Seonghwa's voice, "we can just take the leftovers back home, "he doesn't have to eat anymore."

Gosh, Wooyoung loved Seonghwa at the moment.

San just huffed and left the table, "I'm going to the bathroom."

Wooyoung gaped after him, what the hell just happened?

Suddenly a hand was on his and Wooyoung looked up to see Yunho staring down at him, worried "you ok?"

Wooyoung just nodded without saying anything else and leaned on Yunho's shoulder. The first good thing about today.


Wooyoung didn't sleep well that night. He felt too full and sweared to himself that he'd never eat again. A promise that he'd definitely break.

In the morning Wooyoung went out to get a glass of water when he met San standing in the middle of the kitchen.

San stopped whatever he was doing and looked at Wooyoung.

"Hi," Wooyoung responded awkwardly.

San looked at him up and down, then let out a "tch", and walked out. Wooyoung felt tears starting to come, he wanted to make up with San again, but he knew that deep down they were both too stubborn.

It hurt. It hurt so much.

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