Wild isle

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After finally finding the one piece, the straw hat pirates left the island behind. Everyone was waiting with anticipation as the treasure chest was opened. But a dead silence followed the discovery of a singular piece of gold.

"So... how does this equate to fame and fortune? Is it just bragging rights?"

"Well, at least the adventure was fun. Maybe we could take some time off at a nearby island."

Suddenly a thick fog descended, obscuring everything in the area. The ship hit the sandy shore sending everything lunging forward. Suddenly the shadow of a giant rabbit rose over the tree line. It glared at them with glowing blue eyes and then disappeared.

"What was that?! It looked terrifying!"

"We should probably find the locals. I want to know where we are first. Then we can ask about the giant rabbit."

As they explored the area further, the fog began to dissipate. Large beasts chased them through the forest. But after an attack from a leopard, Sanji and Zoro found themselves separated from the others.

"What the hell is this island?! Everything wants to kill us!"

"And you say that like it's the first time?"

"I can't believe I'm saying this but we have to work together. We have to find the others."

Suddenly a red ribbon landed in front of Sanji. He picked it up to examine it and it read, "First place". Then out of nowhere a human-sized rabbit grabbed both of them in a fireman's carry. To their immediate horror they saw a grizzly bear running after them. But they were quickly taken aback by the rabbit's agility and speed. Many of the other predatory animals returned to only be outmanoeuvred.

"There they are! I see them!" Chopper said with excitement.

"And the blonde man has the ribbon! LETS GO TRIXIE!" Another rabbit cheered.

The moment they got close enough, Trixie threw them over the finish line before jumping over herself. The crowd started chanting as the winners were called. The killer animals stood up and congratulated the rabbits for their victory. But then Trixie gave her medal to Sanji.

"I just thought you deserve it more than me." She said with a smile.

"Well I- I uhh- I'm sorry, I'm not used to this sort of thing." He responded.

Trixie picked him up and carried him out of the arena. They made small talk the whole way. Suddenly Trixie thought of something.

"So you know how you can never get a girl? How about I be your first one?" Everyone turned to look at her.

"You can not be serious!"

"I'm completely serious! Why would I lie about this?!"

"Give the woman her answer cook!" Zoro said angrily.

Sanji caved and accepted her offer. But she quickly drew closer and kissed him. He stared lovingly into her eyes before turning his head to give Zoro a smug look.

"I'm going to kill that guy one of these days."

"What's the matter zero? Are you jealous?" Sanji taunted Zoro.

While the two argued like usual Trixie went to grab something from home. But she got worried when they suddenly went quiet. Trixie hurried back to where she left them.

"Let Zoro go, you're going to kill him!"

"Do I look like I care?" Said a big timber wolf. "And what are you pipsqueaks going to do about it?" It asked, squeezing tight around his throat. The wolf then tilted its head back and stared at the dying Zoro. But then before anyone could react Trixie jumped into the air and delivered a kick that sent the wolf taking a nosedive into the dirt.

"Leave the new guys alone jackass! It's not their fault your team lost in the semifinals!"

"Alright, fine! You made your point!" The wolf turned around to leave. But when Trixie turned her attention to the wounded straw hat pirates, he sprinted on all fours and rammed her like a goat. Despite the injuries she received she delivered a kick to his face and broke his jaw.

"And stay down you prick! It is animals like you that don't deserve to be called an alpha!" Trixie then collapsed to the ground dropping the book she had been carrying; another piece of gold rolled out from between the pages.


"What is this? She has another one." Nami said. "Well, more for us to sell later."

"We can't just leave her here alone. I'm taking her back to the ship to be treated."

As the rest of the crew went back to the ship Sanji and Nami stayed behind. The two of them went back to where she had come from and found her home, with the front door still open. They also found a packed bag on her bed; Nami begrudgingly slipped the coin under the front cover of the book and placed it in the bag. Sanji moved towards the kitchen; packing as many of the vegetables as he could carry.

"Hey Nami, when you get back to the ship, can you ask the rest of the crew to come carry this back? I would hate for her hard work to spoil."

"Yeah sure thing! I'll take one of the crates with me now."

Suddenly the grizzly bear from earlier walked in and grabbed some of the crates. Then the other members of their team did the same.

"We're sorry for scaring you guys earlier during the game. We thought we could make it up to you by giving you a hand."

"Thanks a bunch; it would have taken us all day to move this. Although, that wolf guy from earlier, Trixie mentioned something about him being an alpha? Would you know anything about that?"

"Oh Remus? Don't think too hard about it; he's just mad that he didn't win. But about the alpha thing... not much is really known about them. Another one of the mysteries of wild isle." The bear shrugged.

"Isn't that Trixie girl one of them? Because she has that crazy super strength in her legs?" Said the leopard.

Nami paused for a moment before saying, "I thought something was off when she kicked him like that. And her speed was unnatural; even for a rabbit her size."

"Hey look! We're here! Safe travels; and tell the green haired guy we're sorry for scaring him."

"Why don't you tell him yourself? But anyway I accept the apology. I actually enjoyed the thrill of it; I might even come back to complete one day."

After the straw hats set sail into the horizon, they waved goodbye as Sanji recalled what he had been told.


A old, married, rabbit couple appeared from the dark path. In front of them was a group of people. The one suspected to be the leader put a hand to his pistol when he heard them coming. After realizing that they weren't a threat he pulled his hand away.

"Excuse the intrusion but we were told you were bounty hunters?"

"That's correct. Do you want us to kill somebody?"

"No, you see our eldest daughter was taken away by pirates three days ago. We are worried sick about her and would like her back alive."

"We don't typically do live bounties but this one seems simple enough. Do you have a photo of her and who she was taken by?"

The ringleader of the group was handed a photograph of Trixie after she had won that day.

"We will pay you fifty thousand berries for her safe return. As for the pirates, we don't know anything about them. All we remember is seeing a green haired swordsman carrying her away."

"Interesting... we will see what we can do."

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