Lady loki x reader

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Loki lay restlessly in bed, tossing and turning as the hours dragged on. The clock on the nightstand glowed faintly, reading just past two in the morning, and Y/N was still not home. She tried to calm herself, reminding her mind that Y/N was no ordinary agent — fierce, resourceful, and capable of handling anything that came her way. But despite those reassurances, Loki’s worry gnawed at her, feeding on the uncertainty that had only grown with each passing day.

Fury had sent Y/N on an undercover mission to infiltrate an old Hydra base, but Loki knew Hydra all too well. It felt like a trap, like the jaws of an unseen beast waiting to snap shut. The gnawing thoughts circled in her mind — what if Y/N didn’t come back? What if they did to her what they had done to the metal-armed man? What if...

A sudden rumble from outside shattered the silence, pulling Loki abruptly from her spiraling thoughts. The sound of a vehicle engine cut through the stillness of the night, and Loki’s heart skipped a beat. Could it be Y/N? She scrambled out of bed, rushing to the window to catch a glimpse, but the darkness outside concealed everything.

She stood there, her breath caught in her throat, straining to hear anything over the thunderous pounding of her own heart. Then, a sound came — the soft click of a key turning in the lock. Loki’s body went rigid, every muscle tight with anticipation.

The door creaked open, and there she was — Y/N, standing in the entryway, exhaustion etched deep into her features. Loki’s breath hitched, her heart swelling with relief. Without a second thought, she rushed forward, throwing herself into Y/N’s arms, clinging to her as though letting go would mean losing her all over again.

“Darling, why are you still awake?” Y/N asked softly, concern filling her voice as she looked into Loki’s eyes, brushing a lock of raven-black hair from her face.

“I couldn’t sleep... not until I knew you were safe,” Loki replied breathlessly, her voice trembling as tears of relief welled up in her eyes, spilling down her cheeks in silent streams.

But as she held Y/N, she noticed the subtle wince in her partner’s movements, the slight hitch in her breath. Loki’s heart leapt to her throat. “Love, are you hurt?” she asked, panic creeping into her voice as her hands began frantically scanning Y/N’s body for any sign of injury.

Y/N offered a tired but reassuring smile, cupping Loki’s face gently. “I’m alright, darling. I heal fast, remember?” She leaned down to press a soft kiss to Loki’s forehead, her lips warm and tender against her skin.

Loki exhaled shakily, burying her face into the curve of Y/N’s neck, her arms tightening around her as though afraid that if she let go, the world might collapse around them. “Thank the Norns you’re back,” she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. “I couldn’t bear the thought of losing you.”

Y/N held her close, letting her fingers trace comforting circles along Loki’s spine, grounding her in the moment. “You’ll never lose me, Loki,” she murmured, her voice soft and sure. “I’m right here, with you.”

After a long, soothing shower and slipping into more comfortable clothes, Y/N finally slid into bed beside Loki. Loki immediately curled into her, snaking her arms around Y/N’s waist and pressing herself close, her face resting in the familiar, comforting crook of Y/N’s neck. The steady rhythm of Y/N’s heartbeat echoed beneath her ear, lulling her into a sense of peace she hadn’t felt in days.

“Gods, I missed you,” Loki whispered, her voice raw with the weight of unspoken worry.

Y/N tightened her hold around her, brushing a kiss against the top of Loki’s head. “I missed you too, darling,” she replied, her voice carrying a tenderness that made Loki’s heart ache. “Every second without you felt like an eternity.”

For a moment, they lay there, wrapped in each other’s arms, the world outside fading away. All that mattered was the warmth of their embrace, the safety they found in one another. The tension, the fear, the endless days of waiting — all of it dissolved in the quiet comfort of being together again.

“How was the mission?” Loki finally asked, her voice barely above a whisper, afraid to disturb the fragile peace they had found.

“Too long,” Y/N answered softly, her lips brushing against Loki’s hair. “Far too long without you by my side.”

Loki closed her eyes, letting the sound of Y/N’s voice wash over her, soothing the raw edges of her frayed nerves. Y/N’s presence was like a balm to her soul, calming the storm of emotions that had threatened to overwhelm her. She nestled deeper into Y/N’s arms, her body relaxing as the exhaustion finally caught up to her.

And as the two drifted off into a peaceful slumber, their love wrapped around them like a shield, Loki knew that with Y/N by her side, she could face anything. Together, they were unstoppable — not even the darkest threats of the world could break the bond they shared.

In each other’s arms, there was safety. In each other’s love, there was peace.


Just a little bit of fluff for you.

Lady Loki is just perfection 😫

Suggestions are open for my lovely Loki lovers, for my brains a dried up ball of nothingness.

Happy days my loves 😘

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