Avengers High

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As I walked down the fluorescent-lit hallway, the faint scent of burned circuits and overused cafeteria food wafted in the air—just another day at Fury’s genius idea of a high school for superpowered kids. Avengers High. Yeah, because that's not asking for trouble.

My boots squeaked on the floor, and as if on cue, Wade’s unmistakable voice cut through the chaos like a fire alarm.

"Y/N! Y/N! L/N! My favorite possible hallucination!" Wade yelled, somehow louder than the bell that had just rung.

I groaned internally, already anticipating the stares, as heads turned like we were in some teen movie. Wade, always with the dramatics.

He bolted toward me, his red hoodie flapping behind him like a cape that forgot how physics worked. “You gotta see this!” His eyes were wide, caffeine-fueled as usual.

"What's going on now?" I muttered, pulling my bag strap higher on my shoulder as Wade all but dragged me toward a crowd of students gathered like vultures around something—or someone.

“Oh, y’know, just the new meat being paraded for slaughter,” Wade quipped, pulling me through the throng of onlookers. “Also, someone dropped a banana in the hall back there—I'm calling dibs.”

I rolled my eyes. Wade and his priorities.

As I got closer, I could hear whispers.

“Nutter’s here...”

“Shut up, she’ll hear you!”

“Move, here she comes—"

I shoved through the last knot of kids and spotted him. The new guy. He stood in the middle of the circle like some kind of Greek statue come to life. Tall, regal, raven-haired with piercing green eyes that could cut glass, but his nervous hands twisted like he wasn’t as confident as he wanted everyone to believe.

Great, another one with trust issues and godlike cheekbones.

“Name?” I asked, not bothering with pleasantries.

The boy’s eyes flicked to mine, and for a split second, I saw a flash of something behind the composure. Was that... amusement?

“Loki Friggason,” he said, chin lifted just enough to show he had zero intentions of making friends.

“Well, Loki,” I said, scanning the growing crowd that looked way too eager to see something go down. "Want to get out of here before Stark and his merry band of asshats come to gawk?"

Loki’s lips twitched, but he didn’t argue. Smart.

As we walked away, I could feel Wade vibrating with curiosity at my side. Or maybe it was just another sugar high. “So, what brings you to Fury's School for the Meta-Gifted, Overpowered, and Probably Mentally Unstable?” I asked, breaking the awkward silence.

“My brother," Loki replied, clearly biting back a groan. "Father thought sending me here might make me 'straighten up my act' or some such nonsense."

I snorted. “Oh honey, nothing about this place is going to straighten anyone out.”

“Preach,” Wade chimed in, suddenly appearing in front of Loki, making the poor guy flinch. "Sup, newbie? I’m Wade. Also known as Deadpool. But you can call me whatever you want, really. Sugar lips? Muffin? Lord of Sass? Maybe just Wade’s fine."

Loki blinked, clearly regretting every life decision that led him here. “Wade. I’ll... keep that in mind.”

"And this," I gestured to Wade, "is your friendly neighborhood lunatic. Caffeine-addicted, regeneration powers, also sees into alternate realities. So, if he starts talking about unicorns and taco trucks fighting, just smile and nod."

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