Chapter Twenty-Three

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When Shawn woke, his body ached terribly. He could feel each spot where his skin had been rubbed by the rope on his thighs, where the cuffs had rubbed his wrist. His backside hurt, much as it did when Chance took him. Chance was hardly ever gentle. He woke alone, the bed cold.

His brows knitted in confusion, and he quickly moved to get off the bed, pressing himself onto the floor against the nightstand. Why was he on the bed? Had he fallen asleep with Chance again? It was clear Chance had woken and left, but he would clearly be sure Shawn knew he was angry for having done wrong.

The idea sent a tremor through his body. No, the idea of Chance hurting him again had his heart beginning to race and his breaths coming quickly and panicked. His body already ached as it was; he did not want to face a beating on top of that. The last thing he wanted was to feel Chance touching him, hurting him. He just wanted to be back home with Leo.

He wanted to be safe and able to enjoy himself. He wanted to know that he was cared for. Yet Chance stripped that away from him, broke him down. He constantly told him how much Leo must hate him to have encouraged him to go to prison.

Sobs wracked Shawn's entire frame as he held his knees tight to his chest. When a weight fell onto his shoulder, he gave a scream and curled tighter into his ball. His desperate attempts to breathe hardly did anything as he felt himself lifted and placed, once more, onto the bed.
"No!" He choked out, not ready for Chance to rape him again. Not yet. He just wanted to remain in his fantasies of Leo. His warm, gentle arms and that soft look he always gave him.

He startled when he felt a sting on his cheek. His eyes shot open, and he realized that he was pinned down onto the bed, his arms held above his head with a body straddling his waist firmly. Leo was panting above him, seeming stunned even himself. Shawn realized with a jolt where he was, and another sob wracked his body, his eyes squeezing shut.

Indeed, Leo had smacked his cheek just then. Just enough to get him to snap out of it. He soon felt a pair of lips press gently to his forehead, followed then after by his body being lifted. His fingers immediately grasped onto Leo's bicep as they were shifted, and he was pulled in between Leo's legs.

"Shhh. I am here, baby. You are okay. You are going to be fine." Leo was whispering softly to him. He swallowed thickly, pressing his face against Leo's neck to sob quietly, his nails biting into the larger man's skin.
"Calm down. I need you to breathe. Take some deep breaths and breathe." As Leo spoke, Shawn felt his body shifting before a box of tissues was dropped onto his lap. Leo was soon pressing them against his nose, much like a mother to their child. Shawn could not find it in him to protest, blowing hard to rid himself of the snot.

"L-Leo." Shawn choked out as the covers were drawn up over his body.

"I am right here. Just breathe for me." Breathing felt painful, like something was stabbing him in his lungs repeatedly. Yet he could feel Leo's body mimicking deep breaths for him, demonstrating what he needed to do. A hand pressed gently to his abdomen, and Leo talked him through it gently.
"There you are, my beautiful baby. Just like that."

Shawn choked out another quiet sob, though he at least seemed to be getting his breathing under some form of control, which was a massive relief. He allowed himself to curl into Leo, trying to quiet his crying, which was far from an easy task. Leo hardly seemed to care as he continued to gently stroke Shawn's entire body all over. He littered kisses gently against his skin and held him close, allowing his warmth and bare chest to press into Shawn.


The choked-out word had Leo frowning, and he shook his head firmly.
"No, kitten. Do not apologize. I am hardly angry or upset with you; you did nothing wrong." The red mark on Leo's face and scratches on his skin suggested otherwise. Shawn had clearly been fighting him in his dazed state, which must have been why Leo pinned him down and even popped him on the cheek.

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