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I scowl at the obnoxious snores escaping his luscious lips. He sounds like a domesticated walrus. Why do I always find myself stuck with guys that can seamlessly fit into the category of 'undiscovered species', with the sounds they make when asleep?

I really do have questionable character judgement capabilities.

He does know is way around a pussy though. My pussy. God, my bud's already springing back to life just thinking about our earlier sins. The way he unabashedly maintained eye contact with me as he lowered his head to the center of my legs. The way his warm, wet tongue felt as he softly pressed it to my clit. The way his soft lips wrapped around my clit made my body jerk in the most sensual way imaginable...

Maybe I can wake him for a quickie before I dip. But then again, he seems like one of those clingy guys. Shit though, maybe I can put up with that clingyness if it means I constantly get earth-shattering orgasms like the previous ones tonight.

Okay maybe I'm a little too horny right now. My ex was clingy and I absolutely despised that, so I'll just grab my things and try to get out as quietly as possible, so as to not wake him.

Clumsily, I search for my purse, and carelessly discarded clothes on the suspiciously clean floor (for a guy), in the dark room. The light from that huge window he has proves to be little in assisting me in locating all of my belongings, because I'm unsuccessful in finding my earrings.

How did they even come off?

I briefly feel my earlobes to check if they could've potentially been ripped right off, but thankfully, ears are still intact.

Giving up on the hopeless blind search for my earrings, I quickly make my way towards what I assume is the front door, but slip on a sock and I unceremoniously crash to the floor. God, I must have a concussion. But I can't afford to have one right now, because I hear his body turning on the bed.

In a rush of adrenaline, I crazy-ox my way through the door, out of his apartment, and I let a relieved sigh escape my slightly bruised lips. That was close. Imagine if he'd woken. That would've been so awkward. For the both of us.

I hear the apartment door on the opposite side of the hall click open, and all my senses are on high alert again. At least the hallway has light. I watch as the door opens, and a woman I average is in her mid to late thirty's, exits, with a bag I assume is trash, in her hand

It's like 3am. Why's she taking out the trash now?

She raises her head and locks eyes with me, and I briefly notice her slightly startled expression, before she recomposes herself. I watch as she slowly studies me. "What's your workout routine?" Is the question she poses to me.

I stare back confused, "uhh, just uhm, whatever I feel like doing, whenever, I guess. I don't uhm, I don't really have one, to be honest." I ramble pathetically.

She looks at me amusedly, "so, what you're saying is, you have that body by just spontaneously working out?"

"Uhh," I start as I mindlessly look down at my body. And that's when I notice it. All my clothes are in my hand. Not on my body where they're supposed to be.

Quickly, and clumsily, I scramble to cover my private areas with said clothes, but it proves to be hopeless as every piece unceremoniously falls onto the hallway floor.

The woman chuckles, "we're both girls here, no need to freak out."

"I'm not freaking out." I mumble in a sad attempt to possibly evade some of the embarrassment I'm feeling right now, as I bend to collect my fallen belongings. But apparently my mumbling wasn't inaudible to her, and her response is, "your raspberry cheeks and heavy breathing says otherwise. But I'll take your word for it, darling."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2023 ⏰

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