Chapter 5

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You already imagined that your mother was seeing someone, when she went out once a week, but you didn't understand why she didn't say anything like that to you.

You just thought that you should have already connected the dots when the former king started approaching your sister and you.

Suddenly, you were scared, when Princess Viva gave you a strong hug and lifted you into her arms, soon after going to her sister, just like the queen.

However, unlike Claire, who seemed happy to have them as sisters, you didn't seem so happy. Peppy walked up to you and held your hand and Claire's smaller hand.

"Girls, I know you grew up without a father figure and everything is happening so fast with our marriage, but if you want, I can be your father." He said in a sweet tone of voice.

"When did you two meet?" You asked, ignoring what he had just said.

He was briefly disconcerted by that question, but understood your curiosity and replied that it was while Poppy went on a mission with her boyfriend to rescue Floyd.

Your mother spoke to the girls and they quickly hugged her, showing that they had already welcomed her into the family.

"I've always wanted a mother, will you comb our hair, let us vent to you about things, read us bedtime stories and give us milk and cookies?" Viva asked, so quickly that it was difficult to understand what she was saying.

"Whatever you want." Celine replied with laughter, which made the princess give an excited squeak and hug her once again.

"Hey, mom, can I go back to the hotel?" You asked her, in a low tone so they wouldn't hear.

"Aw, are you leaving already?" Queen Poppy asked, holding your hands in hers. "Stay with us, the night has barely started."

"I'm sorry, but I'm not feeling very well, I wanted to get some rest if you don't mind." You politely declined, which made the big smile she had on her lips disappear.

"Oh, alright then." She said. "But anyway, if you want to come back, we're here, okay?"

She was so nice. You were sure she would be disappointed when she got to know you better and realized that you were her younger sister.

You gave her a smile so that what she had said wouldn't be in vain and said goodbye to everyone, before walking back to the hotel.

"Oh I knew I should have told her that before and not waited all this time." Celine lamented.

"It's okay, honey, let's give her some time." Peppy comforted her, resting his hand on her shoulder. "I know that one day we will win her over."

She gave him a smile.

"I hope so."


"Hey brother, do you have your head in the clouds?" Clay asked his younger brother, noticing how distant he was.

"I guess a little." Floyd laughed. "I was looking for my friend, but it looks like she's nowhere to be found. I think I'll ask her mom."

"The one you met on the Internet?" He asked again.

"Yeah." The younger troll gave a smile that didn't go unnoticed by his brother.

"Ohhhhh what's with that little smile? I know that smile." Clay teased him, elbowing him lightly.

"I didn't expect how I felt about her would change." He said, feeling his cheeks flush as he remembered how lovely your smile was and filled him with joy.

"And that's a good thing?"

"Perhaps." Floyd replied. "I thought I would always see her as the girl I met 4 years ago. Isn't it funny how things change overnight?"

"I know what it's like." Clay said, remembering all the time that had passed before he realized his feelings for Viva.

"... Do you think she might like me too?" He asked his older brother.

"The real question to ask is 'who wouldn't like you', bro." Clay replied, wrapping his arm around his shoulders. "Anyone would be lucky to be the object of your affection."

Floyd smiled. He could always count on his brothers when it came to his insecurities.

Not long after, he was briefly startled, until he realized it was his cell phone vibrating in his pocket. He picked it up to check and saw it was you, asking him to go to the hotel where you were staying to talk to him.

"What happened?" Clay asked, noticing him put his cell phone back in his pocket and get up from his chair.

"She needs me." Floyd said.

You're All I Ever Wanted (Floyd x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now