The start of it all - Nyx's story (Part 1)

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This story begins at which our main character for this story, Nyx, is born. Nyx has white hair with a section of it black, and one eye black and the other purple. Although growing up, no one knew why she had different eye colors.  She was born into a royal family with 1 sister and 2 brothers, with one of the brothers being her twin. Her sister's name is Asia, while her 2 brother's names are Dayja and Jinx, Jinx being the twin of Nyx. When Nyx and Jinx were born, all around them and the world, there was a sign, from the world itself, that predicted a new era had started. 2 years later, a new little girl was born into the family with the name Dusk. The relationship between the children was nothing but peaceful laughter and joy. They'd play together, laugh together, and cry together. Not often that they saw different sides and argue as little children, for they always made up not long after a disagreement. Their parents were the king and queen of their kingdom. The mother was kind and sweet, while the king was more harsh and strict but he still loved his children none the less. After 3 years of peace and joy, something happens that is the trigger for disastrous tragedies. Jinx and Nyx are now 5. One dark night, their parents, Queen Iris and King Mokoro, were struggling to get Nyx and Jinx asleep. Both Nyx and Jinx were too restless to even fathom the idea of closing their eyes for more than a second. After some time, they hear a knock at the door. Mokoro looks over at Iris with a confused face expression, "Are you expecting anyone, dear?" Iris puts her focus towards the door and looks back, just as confused as him, "No.. but it may be important, get them to bed. I'll get the door" The father did as told and finally got them to think about going to bed, as they started to suddenly feel like 2 days worth of no sleep fell onto them in a flash. As Iris was walking towards the door, the knocking turned into pounding really quick, as if the person on the other side was getting impatient and annoyed. Iris rushing to the door after noticing the excessive knocking, and opens the door to see 3 adult men in uniform. "Uhm, yes, gentleman? What might I help you with?" Iris had spoken with a voice that you could tell she was nervous about opening the door. One of the 3 men, who seemed to be their leader, spoke to the other two but spoke loud enough for Iris to clearly hear. "I'll go get one, you two wait here to make sure nothing happens. If anyone tries to fight back, kill them. Just don't kill one of our targets." After giving the demand to the other two, The leader walked into the house, although he had no permission or right to dare to take a step into their house. Iris was full of many emotions, after hearing this. She had anger, shock, devastated, and worried. "Wait!!" Ignoring her shout, the leader continued to walk past her and into the room Nyx, Jinx, and their father is still in, as he has not yet gotten them to sleep. Enraged with hatred, Iris runs at the leader to try and stop him, however she was quickly held back by one of the two men who were stationed to wait by the door. "Move and you die," he threatened her. Iris paused. Was she willing to risk her life as an attempt to save her family, if she had no idea if it'd even help? Hesitantly, she ignored her disbelief and worry and attempted to get out of the grasp of the man. With no success, the man did what he threatened to do and shot her in the chest three times and let her go. He watched as her body fell to the ground, lifeless. In the other room, where the leader had gone to, he looks over towards the three people in the room. As he looked, he saw Mokoro, Nyx, and Jinx. Mokoro quickly looked over at the mysterious man who just walked into the room. At the same time, they suddenly heard three gunshots coming from where the door is. "What was that!? And who are you?!" He yelled as he ran towards the room to where the door is in, but was unexpectedly stopped instantly as he was thrown to the wall, with what seemed to be very little effort, by the man. "Gack-!" Mokoro shouted as he was quickly knocked out from the force of being thrown at the wall. The man shot at Mokoro twice, not even bothering to make sure he killed him because in his eyes, he could care less If he lived or not, For he was not the target. Nyx and Jinx were horrified. "D-Dad..?" Jinx would say, then later Nyx trembled as she hesitantly spoke. "Y-You're just... Sleeping.. right? ... Right!?" They both started crying. Jinx fell to his knees and was frozen there, unable to lift a muscle. Terrified, Nyx ran over to Mokoro's lifeless body. "Daddy?! Please! Don't leave us! I know! I-I'll never go to sleep again! Not until you open your eyes! B-Better yet! I-I-I....." She yelled as she dropped to her knees and laid her upper part of her body on his body. "Please..." The man walked over to Jinx, who was still frozen in place and crying, and grabbed his arm. Jinx was suddenly able to move from the sudden grab of his arm. Nyx quickly sat up and looked towards Jinx swiftly. Instinctively, Nyx stood up and ran towards Jinx. "No! Please! I don't wanna lose anyone else today!! STOP!!!!!" The man ignored Nyx and walked off towards the door, pulling Jinx with him. As Nyx got closer, the man kicked her towards the wall, but made sure he didn't kill her, as he kicked. Nyx went unconscious. Jinx kicked and hit. He did anything to try to get out of the man's grasp. "Stop! Let me go!" Predictably, the man ignored the child's demands. They got into the room where Iris's dead body lays. "M-Mom..? Please! Not you too?! M-Mom! Help! Please! Wake up!" His shouting was to no success and her body remained as it was. Although she did not come back nor move, a bright light had appeared like a spark but it vanished quickly in an instant. The leader signaled the other two that it was time to leave. The two men understood and walked off, away from the door, following the leader who still had a grasp on Jinx's arm. No one saw or heard any news of what happened to Jinx or if he's even still alive. They would have no information about him until 11 years later when they both turned 16.

Hey guys! This is part 1 of Nyx's backstory. There was originally only going to be one part for each backstory but I underestimated how much backstory I had on Nyx so it'll take a few more parts on Nyx's Backstory.

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