Running away- Nyx's story (Part 2)

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It was now morning, Nyx was still unconscious due to the man and being tired. Asia and Dayja had woken up, while Dusk was still asleep. Dayja and Asia went to the living room, where they saw Nyx unconscious and Mokoro's dead body. "The hell happened here?!" The 10 year old, Dayja screamed. "Nyx!" Asia yelled, running towards Nyx to try and wake her up. After a few seconds of shaking, Nyx started to wake up but was very drowsy and could barely keep her eyes open. "W-What..?" Nyx managed to say something but was quickly spoken over with a shout. "What happened here!?" Nyx mustered the strength of her eyes to see that Asia was the one who shouted. Before answering, Nyx rubbed her eyes as to fully wake up and have more strength to look around and speak properly. Although she got the strength to speak and see, she never answered the question, for her eyes would widen instead. "Jinx! T-They took him!!" Nyx bolted up from the floor and left the confused and devastated Asia and Dayja, and ran to the door, only to see Iris's body lying on the ground, showing no life. "M-Mom..?" Both Asia and Dayja followed Nyx into the kitchen where the front door was placed. "W-What...?! Nyx! What happened to Mom and Dad!? Where is Jinx!? W-When.. did.." Dayja screamed, demanding answers. Nyx was silent for a while until, "..L-Last night.. They K-Killed.. They.. K-Kidnapped... Jinx... Maybe I-If I run..!!" Nyx Mustered an answer finally, but gave the other two no time to respond before she started to run out the door as an attempt to find her twin, Jinx, but was pulled back by Asia. "S-Stop! Please..! It happened last night, right?! H-He's.. Jinx is.." Crying, Nyx interrupted. "I-I know! ...You don't have to tell me.. I know he's gone.." They both felt bad for Nyx, but they couldn't let her try to get Jinx back. What if she was kidnapped too? Or even killed. They didn't want to lose another family member if they could help it. After hearing Nyx's words, Nyx felt two people hug her from behind. As she looked back, she noticed that Dayja and Asia had both hugged her to try and comfort Nyx. It worked. Nyx started to calm down as she hugged them back and started crying more than she already was. "What do we do now?" Dayja asked. "What do you mean?" Asia responded. She didn't want to confront the next issue, none of them did. ".. I mean, where do we go now? We can't stay here... we can't take care of ourselves... we're too young. I'm 10, you're 9, Nyx is 5, and Dusk is 3. We can't pay the bills, either." Dayja had pointed out the same issue they were all trying to avoid confronting. "I... I don't know... but we can't stay here... What if they come back...?" They all were silent for a good minute. "C-Can't we... just run?" Nyx questioned, almost fully calmed down now. "It's not that simple... I don't think so." Asia responded back. "Why not? We can't stay here... and we have nowhere else to go... We can try to see if anyone can... take us in.." Dayja contradicted Asia. "... Y-Yeah... Ok... I'll go get dusk..." Asia agreed, as she separated from the hug to get up and go to Dusk's room. After she woke Dusk up, she explained what happened and told her to pack a bag and that they're leaving and never coming back. Dusk did as told, and so did everyone else, including Asia. Soon after, they all finished and left the castle, where they lived all their life. "..are we all ready..?" A very tired and exhausted voice came from Dayja. It was clear that they all were tired. It was very late and they had been crying and yelling from the terror that had been presented that night. Nyx's throat was sore and she had no tears left to cry, she only had dull eyes full of sorrow from the thought of regret that she couldn't do anything to stop the terrific assassination and kidnapping. "I believe so..." Asia announced. They were all outside the house with all their belongings. After the confirmation that everyone was ready and had their stuff, Dayja ordered, "Then.. Let's go.." Asia and Nyx both nodded their head nervously, as Dusk was standing there looking worried. "Nyx, take my hand please... Asia, can you hold Dusk's hand so we don't get separated..?" Dayja Demanding. Nyx did as told and grabbed Dayja's hand, that was reaching out for her to grab. Asia did the same and took a hold of Dusk's hand as they all started their journey away from their home they had lived in their whole life up till now. After walking for about 30, "C-Can we. s-stop...? M-My legs are tired..." Dusk requested, tired and exhausted from walking so much. Asia looked to Dayja for the answer. "Yeah.. here should be a good place to stop anyway..." Dayja answered to Dusk and the others. They stopped walking and all sat down against a building in an alley way. While they were sitting against the building, they had discussed about sleeping there for the night and picking up again the next day. Dusk had already fallen asleep due to the exhaustion from walking and it looked like Nyx would be next until they saw someone walk down the alley. They began to have hope that they would be able to find someplace to stay sooner than they thought. Their future choice at first seemed to be smart but if they knew now what they would in the future, they would not think to make the same choice again.

Heyyy! Sorry this took so long to get published! School has become stressful. I had a lot of missing assignments I had to get turned in then a lot of school drama happened that really unmotivated me. It has been Christmas break for a while now but I've been taking my time to get ready for school again and to take a breather and get motivated again. Although I did take a break, I am back, hopefully for good! I also decided that I'm not doing all of the main characters backstory at the very beginning, I'm just going to do Nyx's Pov/backstory for now and you'll get the other's later. Lastly, I'm also adding 1 or 2 more main characters for this story.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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