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Namjoon settled onto the couch, drawing his fiancé closer as he reached for the bowl of popcorn. "What a shame it's raining," JeongGuk remarked, a hint of disappointment in his voice, "Hoseok and Taehyung would have joined us if not for the weather." "Gguk, they live just up the road." JeongGuk chuckled, gently nudging Namjoon's arm at the male's remark. "Sometimes you act like they live on the other side of town."

Namjoon smiled, he grabbed a handful of popcorn before JeongGuk responded lightheartedly, "Well, I didn't want them trudging through the pouring rain. The street is practically flooded." Together, they shared a quiet laugh, savoring the cozy moment on the couch as the raindrops tapped against the windowpane.

"No one would be able to see in that condition," JeongGuk commented, his voice filled with agreement. Namjoon nodded in understanding. The two of them sat on the couch, engrossed in the movie. Namjoon leaned over and switched off the lamp, settling back comfortably. As the movie progressed, Namjoon voiced his thoughts, "You know, if a killer like this actually existed, I doubt it would remain confined to a secluded place." JeongGuk pondered the statement, breaking the silence that followed, "I agree. But I know I can count on you to protect me if I ever need it, right?" Namjoon's voice was filled with conviction as he replied, "Always."

It was halfway through the movie when Namjoon's phone vibrated. He sighed, making JeongGuk look up at him. "Aren't you going to see what it was?" "No, it's probably Hoseok yapping his head off." "Maybe." The duo whipped their heads to the door when the doorbell went off, the duo looking at each other. "Go get it," JeongGuk urged, Namjoon pausing the movie. He sighed as he moved to his feet, pausing when JeongGuk grabbed his hand. "Get the bat please." Namjoon only waved away JeongGuk's concern, "I'll be alright. I'm just going to look." He walked to the front door, looking through the peephole but strange enough he saw no one. Maybe they left? He frowned as he opened the door, jumping when he heard a sharp gasp behind him. "Joon, we can't just leave him out here! He'll be cold!" Namjoon could only sigh softly as he was pushed out of the way, his fiance JeongGuk picking up the small bundle of clothes carefully, cooing at the small infant, soaked from the pouring rain. "Where would we put him? We barely have enough room in this small house." "I can move my art room. It's not a big issue Namjoon." "We don't-" "Namjoon, we can take care of him." Namjoon looked at his lover before his eyes moved to the bundle of watery eyes before he sighed. "Fine...but this is temporary."

Namjoon waited for his coffee to brew as he yawned, sighing as he heard the infant crying, the panicked footsteps of JeongGuk before the house went quiet once again. "Mmm..I thought I smelled coffee." Namjoon nodded with a soft tired smile as he poured JeongGuk a cup, pouring sugar and creamer into it before he passed it to JeongGuk carefully. "Figured we both needed some." "Is it okay if I take some money and get some things for the baby? Just a few things. Like some formula and some diapers." Namjoon merely shrugged, sliding his card to JeongGuk, "Don't go overboard getting things he doesn't need." "I knoww. Thank you."

"A baby?" Namjoon nodded, typing away at his desk, Hoseok sitting on the edge of it. "That's so weird. A lot of houses but to end up on your doorstep?" "JeongGuk thinks it's simply because we left our porch light on." "No, there were plenty of houses with their porch lights on. The mom had to be watching you two for a while." Namjoon could only shrug, "It doesn't matter. It's only temporary." "You know when JeongGuk says something is temporary, it never really is." "No. I'm firm this time."

JeongGuk was giving the infant a bath in the kitchen sink, cooing at them gently. "You're so cute.. why'd your momma leave you here with us hm?" JeongGuk didn't understand. The infant was healthy, as far as he could tell, and cared very well from the onesie they had come with, the small bees and flowers obviously handmade. He sighed slightly, knowing he was getting attached quickly. He jumped when the doorbell had rung out, rinsing the infant off before wrapping them in a towel and rushed to the door when the doorbell sounded again. He held the small bundle to his chest carefully, opening the door. His eyes widened as he saw a female, looking similar to the infant in his arms. "I...I just came to make sure he got in.." JeongGuk was silent, shaking the shock off when she suddenly turned around, not thinking when he grabbed her wrist. "Wait! I-I'm sorry... Are you his mother?"

Namjoon sighed out as he shut the car door, leaning against it. He was finally home, ready to just take a short nap. He climbed up the stairs to the porch, unlocking and coming inside to hear crying and JeongGuk in the kitchen. "Yoongi! It's alright!" Yoongi? Who was Yoongi? He walked into the kitchen, seeing JeongGuk bounce the infant gently in his arms. "Who is Yoongi?" JeongGuk jumped, turning to Namjoon before he smiled. "The baby. His name is Yoongi. I saw it uh..stitched in his onesie last night." Namjoon only nodded, leaning against the counter, "You're thinking." "I don't think we should, you know..give him to the authorities." "Gguk-" "C'mon! We've talked about it!" Namjoon opened his mouth before Yoongi had started to cry, JeongGuk sighing out. "Forget it Namjoon. I'm going to try to put Yoongi down for a nap." Namjoon rubbed his face as he watched the retreating back of his lover. "Fuck.." Namjoon shook his head, looking out the kitchen window. Hoseok was right. Nothing is ever temporary with JeongGuk.

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