Chapter 1

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On a regular Day at Acacia High a lonely student named Ryan Cole was sitting on his desk looking at the blackboard but his mind was traveling again,The vision of the universe is always on his mind and that's the reason Why his mind was always preoccupied.

why he was still busy thinking about the galaxy, their math teacher gave them a quiz and because he's daydreaming he didn't notice it.

He just came back to his senses when the quiz was only 15 minutes left before the deadline. So he get his pen and quiz notebook and then copy the equations written in the board.

after he finish copying the equations he tries to analyze the problems but to no avail he don't get the right solution for the equation.

He Tries to ask his seatmate the solution but his classmate and an old childhood friend jigs just smirk at him and proceed answering his own paper.

Ryan feels so bad everyone think he's weird even his childhood friend jigs. His life was normal until he reach his first year.

Looking back, He remembered that He always got a vision of the galaxy.

the galaxies the scientist haven't found out yet. A galaxy where it was considered as an paradox.

The class has finally finished,The student is slowly fading away but he is sill laying on his chair.

when there is no more person on his class, he arranged his things and put it on his Bag and walk towards the hallway.

as he reach the hallway there are few students chatting around, Flirting with their partner and other things you saw on the hallway of a typical high school.

he just keep on walking with his head down, but he still hear some girls gossiping about him.

As usual he alwayshear "He's Hot but ughh he's weird."

that's one of the reason, why he was always waiting  for the students to be gone.

As he just keep on walking, he finally reached the school grounds.

he get his bike,drove it and decide to g
Trip off to the west forest.

For him the center of the west forest was the most relaxing place he could ever found. the lake Hylia.

it's the place he wanted to live forever, if forever really do exist.

it's name was not actually lake Hylia He just named it because he was the first and the only one who sees it. He thinks.

when he bring his old friend jigs at the forest but, jigs can't see any lake at all.

he sat down on the ground and stare blankly at the lake.

the lake was so peaceful. the water are just still, as watching  his reflection at the lake, he did reminisce some good ol' past.

For Him the lake was a part of him. The lake always unwind his mind De-stress him from his problems keeping him away from the judgement of the hypocrite and toxic people.

after an hour of sitting and staring at the lake he decided to go back home. he call it home although it's him alone on that house because, when he reached his first year, her mother and father died, murdered.

Murdered but the murderers can't be identified.

He get his bike, and then took a last glance before he decided, to go out of the forest. as he was driving 3 street away from the west forest he reached the intersection.

As he was passing by a hasty car was going to hit him, but he was so shocked to react but luckily, he finally got back to his senses when the car was only 3 meters away from him.

but before it finally crashes him down, a white light appeared and suddenly, the white light has faded he saw the raging car hit the oak tree under it was his bike,bag and clothes completely destroyed.

he saw the people gossiping and looking at him furiously. he finally realized that he was completely naked and found himself so embarrassed.

adrenaline rush came over him and all of a sudden he just ran without knowing where to go he was so embarrassed and confuse. in His mind he kept asking him how did he survive? How come he's naked? how did he get out of that scene? how? he's mind was like a bomb going to explode. filled with too much informationand confusion.

he reached the center of the forest where lake Hylia was. a sudden urge came to his temple. All he just wanted to do was to jump to the lake without thinking the danger that maybe some wild animals or something worse is in there.

as he jumped to the lake a sudden pain reached his head it was like crushing his skull but he couldn'tmove.

he just let the water get him deeper and deeper he can't feel drowning at all.

he saw many visions, the paradoxical galaxy, the death of his parents,and all the questions that keep bugging him.

all the answers he wanted to know suddenly bolted.

why he lives,why his parents die and other questions finally the answers was revealed.

he's not normal he's weird.

Even though he doesn't know what he is, but he knows now that he finally knows the answers he wanted to know.

And a resolution came into his mind.
That he will not let the other people's judgement or verdict affect him any more.

He will live his life according to his own way, the life he always want to be.

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