The Story

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A long, long time ago, the world was an empty space. There were no trees, sun, wind or even oceans or lakes. The world was just a barren land.

The people that lived in the world became very weak because there was barely any food or water. The people were suffering and the populaton was slowly decreasing. The Great Elements that ruled the world: Air, Water, Earth and Fire, saw that the people were suffering and decided to put a stop to it. " I believe that I should flood the entire world to out an end to the terrible drought that has set upon the world", said Water with great concern. "But that would not solve all problems," reasoned Earth, " If anything, it would wipe out the entire human race because the people are too weak to keep their heads above the water!" " I think I should send warmth so they won't feel as cold at times", said Fire with great confidence. " But then how does that solve the food and water problem?" exclaimed Air!

The Elements all had their own opinion on how to put an end to the people's suffering. They all had very different personalities. Air, was very playful anf fun. She was always so adventurous and curious. To her, the sky was never the limit. Air was definitley the freest out of the four Elements. She was given the ability to fly and create great gusts of wind that could carry you off for miles! Air was sincere and kind and cared very much for the people she loved. She was definitely the most eye catching with her dark hair the flew freely and her big, brilliant brown eyes that shone brightly with adventure and intelligence. She would literally sweep you off your feet.

Water was a very kind and sensitive element. She was caring and bright. Water always found the good in people's doing. She was given the ability to heal and to move water itself. Water was also a very powerful element. She wouldbe able to create amazing, intricate figures and motions controlling water. Water was the youngest of the Elements. She was beautiful inside and out. Her round, clear bue eyes gleamed with love and mystery, and her long, thick, bright blond hair showered down her shoulder s like a waterfall. And at the crown of her head, she had the ever most vibrant blue strip of hair that fell on the right side of her face. With her pale feaures she looked full of youth and wonder. Water was so breathtaking, it would be like drowning in happiness.

Earth was a very pure and lively element. She was also honest. Every day to her was like a new start, a clean slate to fill with all sorts of crazy experiences! Earth always looked forward to new things and was very patient. She was given the ability to grow many different things and to transport from one place to another using a living thing. Earth was cheerful and full of life. Nobody could help but to like her. She too, was very beautiful. She had lovely chocolate brown hair that was usually tied in braids. Earth also had the most amazing, shining grean eyes. They were full of serenity and happiness . You look into then and you never want to look away. Her happines would always spread no matter where you go. She will always plant a flower of happiness.

Fire. Fire was very brave and courageous. She was also charming. Fire was, out of the four elements , the most attractive. She had fiery, curly red hair and hazel eyes that burned with confidence and pride. She also had a very faint smatter of freckles over the upper part of her nose and cheeks, like small bits of red hot ash. Underneath all that pride, Fire, was a kind hearted person. She had a way of making people feel all good and warm inside. That was why she was given the ability to create fire in midair. FIre always hid behind an ego. The ego made her seem very tough on the outside but on the inside she was a very sweet person. Others who knew Fire very well knew this, and respected her for it. So when you meet Fire, you will always feel a warmth in your heart.

So as you can see, the four Great Elements were very different from each other. The argument slowly progressed into war, and choas was sent upon the world because of it. There were rainbows and lightning , strong winds and scorching heat, even great earthquakes in floods! Finally, one day a little girl named Jane screamed into the sky, at the Elements, " Don't you see what this is doing to us?!  You're only making this worse! " The Elements stopped their fighting and realized what they had done. After that, they immediately called a truce. Air got to rule in the high mountains and occasionally visited the mainland. That was how wind was created. Water spread over oceans, lakes and even tiny ponds. Earth grew plants, trees and all sorts of flowers. Fire, rose rose up high in the air and was instantly surrounded in flames. She had become the sun. 

That was how the world we know today came to be.

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