A Grand Day Out

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Disclaimer: I don't own Wallace and Gromit

Y/n = Your name

h/c = hair colour

f/s = favourite shirt

f/p = favourite pants

f/sh = favourite shoes

It was a nighttime at a house inside a stack of books the top book title 'Where to go' that was grabbed before more books and magazines are seen on the floor towards a table with a mug and a globe that's being spined around before stopping by man with brown jeans, a white long sleeve shirt, a green sleeveless jumper and a red tie his name is Wallace who is holding a book.

Wallace is sitting on a chair looking at the globe and sitting on another chair is a young man with short h/c, wearing a f/s, f/p and f/sh his name is Y/n reading a magazine while sitting on his right is a white dog with brown ears his name is Gromit reading a book Wallace spins the globe before stopping it at a spot glancing to the book and back.

Looking to Gromit and Y/n he said "These bank holidays is a problem to decide" Nodding lowering his magazine Y/n said "You are right, uncle" Gromit falls asleep but raising a finger Wallace said "Tell you what Gromit, Y/n, lads" That made Gromit wake up looking to him and Y/n ask "What" He looks to Wallce who said "Let's have a nice hot cup of tea, hmm".

Putting the magazine down Y/n ask "Do you need help" Shaking his head Wallace said "It's okay lad" He gets out of his chair and heads for the kitchen "Kettle should've boiled by now" Wallace walks to a tray puts a plate and a teapot on it taking the lid off pouring the boiling water in it closing the pot while opening a cabinet revealing crackers.

Wallace takes an open one and pours crackers onto the plate putting it back then opens a freezer to look seeing a plate with crumbs that was cheddar cheese he looks to see none "No cheese, Gromit, Y/n" Gromit put his head on his hand and ears fall down while frowning Y/n said "Seriously no cheese" Staring into the freezer Wallace said "Not a bit in the house".

He gets up closing the freezer placing three small plates and teacups on the tray picking it up and heads back into the living room Gromit and Y/n went back to reading Wallace puts the tray down sitting back on his chair grabs a cracker and took a bite making Gromit and Y/n look to Wallace who gulps the cracker "Gromit, Y/n, that's it cheese".

He closes his fists and waves them raising a brow Y/n ask "What about it" Smiling Wallace said "We'll go somewhere where there's cheese" Gromit and Y/n look to one another as Wallace grabs a book "Now where were we places to find cheese" Gromit and Y/n look at their books reading them blinking Y/n said "Uncle, there is one place to go".

Wallace and Gromit look to Y/n who turns to the window making Gromit and Wallce look to the window and they see in the night sky is stars and the moon Wallace said "Everybody knows the moon is made of cheese" Staring at it Y/n said "Well some people think it's just made of rocks and stones, uncle".

The moon is seen through bars and inside a basement is shelves of paints, water dripping along the wall and on the floor is a rat sniffing around but stops looking to see the door open then a light flicks on for Wallace to walk down the steps making the rats scurry away and Wallace walks to a stool flicks a switch turning a lamp on.

In front of Wallace is a writing desk and a large paper book he wipes his nose and begins to think before an idea popped Wallace grabs a pencil and sharpener sharpening the pencil Wallace smiles looking at the pencil and looking at the sharpener blowing to clear it and begins to draw on the paper making a huge triangle before stopping.

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