The Harvest Festival

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Meanwhile Wallace press Gromit and Y/n against the door he said "You both gotta help me, Gromit, Y/n" They stare at him "Hide me" Wallace nose turns into a rabbit nose "Anything" He leans back "Before it's too late" Wallace collapse on his back "Lads" His rabbit ears pop out while Hutch said "Your Lordship" Y/n and Gromit look to Hutch who stares at the door.

Gromit moves the curtain a bit for him and Y/n to see Victor coming to them thinking Y/n said "Gromit help me grab the carpet" They grab the carpet and begin to drag Wallace who moans his head fully turned into a rabbit head while Y/n kick the door before looking back to see Wallace growing "We've got to hurry" Wallace said "Ah".

Y/n and Gromit pull Wallace through the kitchen towards the garden, but they stop Gromit looks back with Y/n who said "We're too late" Sitting up Wallace walks forward making Gromit hit the ground "Crackers" They run back into the house while Wallace opens a cabinet to see carrots he gasps and sniffs before eating them.

Moving under and over Wallace to watch him eat "Push" Gromit and Y/n try to push Wallace out of the kitchen but he was too heavy as Hutch screams making Y/n and Gromit look at the door to see Victor's shadow Hutch said "Ooh" He slides out of the coat and walks up the stairs "Good night, Gromit, Y/n" Y/n and Gromit look to one another suddenly Y/n said "I've got an idea".

Meanwhile Victor pulls out a golden bullet from his vest looking it he kisses the bullet and inserts it into his rifle then cocks it as Wallace finish eating the carrots when suddenly Y/n wolf whistle caught his attention Wallace looks he gasp while a rabbit foot steps into view then the Rabbit bait stands into view.

It winks at Wallace who grunts rubbing his ears back before chuckling to follow the Rabbit who moves due to Y/n on the bottom with Gromit on his shoulders controlling the head and arms "This way" Wallace burst through the door while Victor kicks the door making it move a bit.

Y/n and Gromit keeps going but Wallace caught the arm and starts kissing it then he squeezes the tail making Y/n shocked and furrow his brows "Gromit" Understanding Gromit use the left arm to smack Wallace who blubbers but he snorts out air while Victor kicks the door down catching Gromit and Y/n's attention "Victor" He spots a space hopper with a rabbit for a face "Better hang on, Gromit".

Gromit holds on tightly onto Y/n who use the rabbit hopper to bounce over the fence with Wallace hopping after them just as Victor comes out of the house aiming his rifle he turns and smiles aiming his rifle at Wallace, Y/n and Gromit before firing a Golden Bullet making all three collapses.

The gunshot echoes through town all the way to Tottington Hall making the townspeople, N/n and Lady Tottington gasp raising the lamp Mr. Growbag said "'Tis done" The townspeople lower their head as Lady Tottington covers her face and cries noticing Vicar said "My poor sensitive child" He walks over and place a hand on her shoulder "Allow us all to share in your moment of sorrow".

Lady Tottington closes her eyes sobbing and N/n place her hand on her arm making Lady Tottington hold it as the townspeople lower their heads while Vicar turns around but suddenly, he raises his fist looking up "Yeah" The townspeople all cheer except Lady Tottington and N/n hearing the Harvest Festival begins Mr. and Mrs. Mulch lock arms spinning "On with the show" Fireworks happen and Mrs. Mulch lock arms with Vicar and spins with him.

Meanwhile Victor kicks the gate open walking to Wallace he grabs his head he smiles pulling it only for 'Wallace' head to rip off shocking Victor who ask "Hmm" He sees the bullet hole in the head "What the..." Victor threw the head for Gromit to poke his head out and Y/n turns the body revealing his face he said "Wrong rabbit, Victor".

Glaring at them Victor said "Why you..." He cocks his rifle as Philip barks catching Victor's attention to see Philip walking to a broken wall he barks as Victor looks in the direction to where Wallace is going hearing fireworks explode "Of course" Staring Y/n said "Uncles, heading for the festival" Narrowing one eye Victor said "The vegetable competition".

Wallace, Y/n and GromitWhere stories live. Discover now