headcanons + ships

166 2 0



3 probably watched the amazing digital circus

15 is obsessed of saying rat 🤗 ( "get of me, you rat!" )

12 and 24 always get shipped by 18

18 is a top shipper

9 has anxiety but 10 usually comforts him :)

17 and 3 owns the art gallery (17 is the co-owner, but it feels like 17 is the owner)

3 and 18 ships 15 and 21 😊


Ships I ship (with answers for original) :

3x4 (12)

7x8 (56)

9x10 (90)

14x18 (252)

15x21 (idk why, but it's 315)

19x20 (380)



(Crayon song)

One: Hello, kids I'm the colour red!
And I brought my friends to teach you about them
Their the colours of all the things you see
And red is me, the colour of awesome things!
Like hearts and roses and mars and most importantly...

Negative infinity: blood, blood, blood, blood, blood.


1: 👁👄👁

2:Hi, I'm orange like mac n cheese!
Lets name other orange things now if you please
Now pumpkins and tigers and the desert sand

Negative infinity: prescription bottles.

2: All your orange friends la la la la, chills-

( hooray!)

2: what are you doing?!

Negative infinity: what I was born too do.

3: You can probably guess, yellow's pretty fun (jaundice.)
You can find it on the bus (jaundice.) or the rays of the sun
If you ask me yellow's number one! (Liver failure. )
If you like yellow and sour, then try a lemon!

4: I once ate a bug that was the colour green
But the ER said it was a poisonous thing
So, that explains why I threw up green
And inside of green there were chunks of green
I bet you wish you hadn't listened to green 😭 (hooray!)

5: why didn't you change that one?

Negative infinity: I liked that verse.

5: The ocean is a place where (nightmares)
Live in the deep blue sea (and it will kill you to death)

Negative infinity: Especially if you are on Titanic, so let that sink in, pun I
intended 😈


5: why my verse?

6: Purple is the colour of many pretty things from a lilac- oh!(taser) AHHH!

Everyone: 😨

9: guess it's my turn, there are brown things like dirt..
I can't remember the words..
Please don't hurt me-
AAAH- (taser)

10:WHITE THINGS INCLUDE (all broken bones)
DOVESA AND PAPER (and rabies foam) THERE'S I- EEE (taser, why is there so much tasers?)!

Negative infinity: Worth a lot of money, if you want some then E-mail me

(Probably the longest I done, carrying on next page)

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