gc (again)

88 0 0

HuSh hUsh: hello?

?? : oh?

HuSh hUsh: who.. Are you?

?? : no.

HuSh hUsh: what abt in private

?? : ok..

✨ private ✨

HuSh hUsh: so who are you?

??: :/

HuSh hUsh: huh?

?? : help-

HuSh hUsh: what???

?? : I'm 20..

HuSh hUsh: 20?!

?? : yeah. Wait ima change my user rq

*?? Had change user into 'I gone insane 😭'*

HuSh hUsh: I gone insane? Intresting.

✨non private✨

你这老鼠-: 16 YOU RAT-

korblox: YOUR THE RAT!

pinned Bob Ross 🎨: this is better than school drama

HuSh hUsh: wth is happening

Axienty boi😰: 12 + 16 got into a fight

HuSh hUsh: ok  thanks

Lost football ⚽: where tf were u

HuSh hUsh: private chatting someone

Lost football ⚽: ohh

Double unlucky 🙃: btw does anyone want to call? We can leave 12 and 16 to fight

Goldilocks bad ending: ok


14: hi :)

11: everyone looks terrifying 😭

9: wow *drops phone*

10: 9?! 😨😨


17: so uh, how's life? I meant how's death?

6: 👁👄👁

19: AMAZING. not.

17: damn

10: btw whose that black screen

19: idk

9: back

15: ok. Btw 20 is in the group.

20: shut up 15 😭

19: 20?! 😨


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