Izuku Midoriya as Kung lao PT2

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We continue last chapter where President MIC was explaining the rules and Iida getting roasted by the gang.

We go to the gates where they are now creaking open and we see Izuku Momo and Jirou sprint thru the gates with others call them out for cheating and Pres mic explaining that its not and yells at them multiple time to go. Izuku has summoned his smooth edged hat and is throwing it around and calling back even summoning his other hat and using them to circle him as he sprints around destroying bots.

We now go to the teachers of the exam watching over the students and see Nezu looking at the cam zooming in on students. Aizawa: Nezu zoom in on that kid with the hats. Nezu proceeds to do so and looks at the kids profile Nezu: well this is interesting isn't it? Aizawa: and whats that Nezu? Nezu: His names Izuku Lao and his quirk is the great Kung laos' quirk. Aizawa: you mean the Great kung lao who defeated AFO in a single blow? Heroes in the room: WHAT!?!? THAT GREAT KUNG LAO??? Nezu and Aizawa: yes that great Kung lao. AM: *In head* he would be a great successor for OFA!!! Nezu: He currently has 300 points and continuing Aizawa: my class. Nezu: already on it along with a few other people who seem to be his childhood friends since that Yaoyorozu family posted videos of the kids training and having fun. They consist of the twins from endeavour Katsuki and Katsumi Bakugou and Kyoko Jirou. they all have rare quirks only used by there great ancestors. There ancestors were the original heroes whom awakened the fisrt quirks in the world... Everyone else in the room: HUH!?!?!?! WHAT ARE THE CHANCES!? Nezu: practically impossible... it shouldn't be yet here we are... honestly im impressed the katsuki twins are holding there own even when its in freezing conditions. since they rely on sweat to use their quirk. the Todoroki's are expected to be strong and there ice is thriving in this weather. Momo, Izuku and Jirou all seem to be doing well for their quirks im just impressed than any of them are even trying there quirks are middle of the road.

Hey guys, Creator here. sorry about the GIGANTIC wait I forgot about this project and app in general. But ya boi is gonna be back on the grind and ill try to create more chapters. I plan on ending this in say... 20 chapters? not sure yet but ill do my best! Bye All!!

Izuku Midoriya as Kung lao from mortal kombatWhere stories live. Discover now