Chapter 1.

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Houston, Texas
The Whites Residence

The sound of Sza lowly filled the background
While you were under Harmony's boyfriend Kanan's  warmth, his lips felt soft as you both made out
But that was soon interrupted by a phone call from the local jail.

Harmony: hold on k
Lady: Hello Ms. White
Harmony: (She sighed) is this about jalen,Josh and shareef
Lady: yes mam
Harmony: ok I'm otw

(Harmony's thoughts:)
You're probably wondering why we're having the Conversation liek it always happens. That's because it's doesssss🙄.

Kanan: otw where
Harmony: I have to bail the boys out
Kanan: (smacks lips) bro you ain't these niggas family wtf
Harmony: I'm sorry these are my best friends
Kanan: and you my girl I can't keep letting you do that, do yo parents even know
Harmony: No and I don't want you to tell them, Now let's go
Kanan: what I'm not going with you
Harmony: Ik your going home
Kanan: what?
Harmony: yes

Harmony and kanan walked down the stairs

Jordan: where y'all going
Bc Harmony: I'm taking Kanan home
Jordan: why are you taking Kanan home his car is literally here
Harmony: bye daddy love you

Harmony: I'm here for Jalen Christopher,Josh Christopher, and shareef miller

Soon they let them out and they' walked out

Harmony: let's go ( she said with a attitude)

The car ride was silent until Josh opened his mouth

Josh: thank you harmony

She ignored him

Jalen: why ignoring niggas
Harmony: I don't wanna talk you guys rn
Jalen: if you mad about the money I'll pay you back
Harmony: I don't want none of your dirty money
Josh: Alr don't take our money den ( he said laughing)
Harmony stopped the car

Harmony: Listen all of you stfu
Shareef: I didn't even say nothing
Harmony: idc I do a lot for y'all not even you guys hang friend bail you out I do and y'all fuck me over it hurts my feeling on how you all turned out, now can we please keep it silent while I drop y'all off mm

And it was that

Come back next chapter to know the tea🤭🤭🤭. I hope y'all loved it please vote and comment love youuuuuu🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵.

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