Chapter 4

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The football field
Houston, Texas

Harmony: Ty J for bringing me ( she said as they were walking up the bleachers)
Jalen: No prob-

Jalen was cut off by another boy in the gang named rob he was surrounded by everyone in there gang including Josh and reef
Harmony: O looks like you gotta go
Jalen: Yea but I had fun with you today
Harmony: me too, bye
Jalen: bye harm

Harmony didn't have too walk too far because Her mom,Heaven and heavens mom were in the Stan's near bye

Camilla: Hi honey I'm happy to see you even tho your late I'll let it slide, who did you come with anyway
Harmony: NOBODY (she answered fast)
Camilla: ok as long as it's not Jalen

Harmony side eyed her mother

Heaven: hey bestiiii
Harmony: heyyy ( they said hugging and dancing a little bit)
Harmony: Hi miss brown
Tiara: Hi harmony, how are you
Harmony: I'm good
Camilla: harmony your brother bout to score a touchdown

And he did and the crowed goes wild

And the group of men in the back were loud and overdoing

Camilla: look at them just loud and obnoxious and careless of others, Do they not see me standing here
Harmony: Ik right
Camilla: and look at Jalen and Josh just sad how they turned out

Harmony agreed not trying to go against her mother

The game soon ended and everyone was leaving and harmony n her mother waited in the car for her father and brother n they arrived

Jordan: wassup fam
Harmony: hey dad
Camilla: hey honey and hi kai I'm so proud of you
Kai: thanks mom
Harmony: yes Kai you did really good ( she tried giving him hug he ignored her)
Harmony: Kai
Still no answer
Camilla: Kai what's wrong
Kai: ain't nothing wrong with me it's something wrong with your damn daughter
Jordan: Aye watch who the hell you talking too
Kai: I'm sorry but she's fake asl
Harmony: how am I fake
Kai: how are you fake you sit up here and tell mom and dad that you and Jalen aren't talking but is
Jordan: harmony what is he talking bout h

It was quiet and harmony broke the silence

Harmony: fine I'm sorry I've been talking to Jalen and I am so sorry pls I am
Camilla: harmony why lie to us I'm mad but wouldn't have if you just told us
Harmony: do you forgive me I'm sorry
Camilla: yes I do
Harmony: dad?...
Jordan: I want the rest of the car ride to be silent please
Harmony: dad I'm sor-

Harmony went silent and the rest of the night was silent

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05 ⏰

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