|| Sīkuda Ampā - Sword and Shield ||

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Lord Commander Jeor Mormont gathered all his men to ride out of Castle Black and North of the Wall. The great ranging was a massive expedition of the Night's Watch to the lands beyond the Wall after they received reports of numerous Free Folk villages found empty and wildlings amassing, the discovery of wights in the Haunted Forest and the disappearance of Benjen Stark as well as other rangers.

The expedition force consisted of three hundred brothers. One hundred from the Shadow Tower and two hundred from Castle Black, almost one third of the whole manpower of the Watch.

One of those who joined the Lord Commander was Jon Snow, despite him trying to abandon the Wall and join his brother, Robb Stark, on his war against the Lannisters. His Night Watch's brothers persuaded him to stay, and when he did, Ser Jeor Mormornt decided not to punish him as he needed the bastard's help beyond the wall.

The Night's watch stops at Craster's Keep, the home of Craster, an unsavoury ally who married his own daughters and has no sons. Jeor questions Caster and learns that he has not seen the missing First Ranger in years. Craster informed him that the Wildlings are assembling under the King-Beyond-the-Wall who's named was Rhaeg.

During the night at Craster's Keep, Jon saw their host quietly go out of the house while carrying something on his arms. Jon silently and caustiously followed the man into the forest. He was confused about what was thee man doing there until he heard the cry of a newborn child. He followed the noise and witnessed how Craster left the babe on the cold ground and the one who took it. A creature he had never seen before. Jon was caught by Craster and dragged him back to the Keep.

The Watch was forced to move on after the incident. Jon told the Lord Commander what he saw, but Jeor revealed to him that he had always known that Craster sacrificed his sons to Wildling gods but ignored it because of his value as an ally. The ranging next camps at the Fist of the First Men where they await Qhorin and his party from the Shadow Tower. Qhorin arrives and reports sighting lookouts in the Skirling Pass.

They don't know anything about the man they called King-Beyond-the-wall, but Qhorin predicts that the wildlings will be more organized if this called King had managed to unite the Free Folk into one. He suggests they accordingly shift to wildling tactics and use a small group of scouts to overcome the lookouts. Jon requests to be part of the mission, and Jeor accepts with encouragement from Qhorin and a promise from Samwell Tarly that he will take on Jon's duties as a steward.

Qhorin's party finds a group of lookouts and ambushes them. Jon hesitates in killing one, realizing the wildling, Ygritte, is a woman. Qhorin questions her and then leaves Jon alone to execute her. Jon does not return, and Qhorin goes looking for him. He finds Jon's tracks but is ambushed by wildlings while following them. Qhorin's men are killed, and he is taken prisoner by the wildlings. He is soon joined in captivity by Jon. He urges Jon to ensure that the deaths of his men are not meaningless and says that he could be a valuable spy in the wildling ranks. He then feigns anger with Jon to make him seem more sympathetic to Ygritte and to make him look like a traitor to the Watch.

Later on, Qhorin realizes that he will have to sacrifice himself in order to facilitate the ruse of Jon deserting to the wildlings, so he stuns one of his captors and acquires a sword, attacking Jon with the seeming intention of killing him for treachery. The Lord of Bones lets them fight, and Ygritte gives Jon back his sword. Qhorin enrages Jon by insulting his parentage.

After a fierce duel, Jon mortally stabs Qhorin per Qhorin's own instructions, who whispers to Jon " We are the watchers on the Wall " before he breathed his last, signaling to Jon that he has done the right thing and reminding him where his loyalties lie. As planned, by killing Qhorin, the wildlings believe Jon has betrayed his oath and released him. On Rattleshirt's advice, Qhorin's body is burned to ensure he will not return as a wight.

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