C͛h͛a͛p͛t͛e͛r͛ T͛e͛n͛

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Author POV

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Author POV

He blinked his eyes for several times and when he try to open his eyes the light hit his eyes which make him close his eyes again.
But he again open his eyes and saw sunny sitting in front of him with a gun and a smirk on her face.

"Finally you woke up" She said with a smirk. Hueningkai rolled his eyes and try to move but he felt that his hands was tied with ropes.

"Now tell me the real reason of behind it?" Hueningkai chuckled and look up to her then said, "what if I don't?".

"You're brave enough to say like this" Sunny got up from her seat and went to him. She lean a bit toward him and said with a low tone, "tell me the real reason of you spying on me then I will let you go , it will be better if you confess yourself".

Deeply looking into her eyes, he replied, "Do you think it would be easy to confess me, nah I don't care I will escape from here as well". Sunny stared at him in disbelief as she straight up her posture.

"I will Inform soobin oppa later, I am giving you chance you better make your decision," Sunny turned her body and walked out of the room.

Hueningkai roll his eyes and again try to free himself. He is confidence that he is going to escape from here on his own and it's nothing hard for him.

Time skip

Next day 

Soobin walked into Sunny's apartment while looking around the place. Her apartment was really well decorated to be honest. He see that sunny was standing near the window with a serious face.

He walked upto her and stood behind her then said, "so he ran away?". Sunny let out a sigh and nodded.

"Oh, I think he is so clever like he escaped from someone like you that's sounds hilarious honestly" soobin said while walking toward the table where lots of things was placed.

"Why you sounds so chill" sunny turned to him to see his back. "Because that's nothing so important to me" soobin replied while playing with a glass.

"But I did want you to find about him, like I am curious to know why he had came after you" soobin Finally turned to her with a smirk.

Sunny nodded her head Because it hurt her pride that hueningkai just escaped from her and she also want to know why he had spying on them.

"I should go now, start your mission soon and give me every single informations" soobin put down the glass and walked out of her apartment.

"I should go now, start your mission soon and give me every single informations" soobin put down the glass and walked out of her apartment

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Sorry for the delay update there is a huge Internet problems in my area so I am not sure I can update stories for few days . So I might not update anything for few days or who knows.

Hope u guys understand and this is the reason this part is so short.

𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 .。*゚+.*.。𝐘𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐛𝐢𝐧 𝐱 𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐠𝐲𝐮 ✰ Where stories live. Discover now