Kalos High: Chapter 21 - Mt. Silver

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Me: Hey guys. I changed my mind. This Chapter is on what happens to Ash. I will do the gang and Serena in the next couple of Chapters. Happy Amourshipping Day!! 🎊🎉 Here is Chapter 21! Enjoy!

Ash's POV:

When I finally regain consciousness the first thing that I remember is my Aura Sphere coming crashing down on my- Argh. My head. It really hurts. Apart from that, the rest of my body feels weak and sore but I don't think I took any heavy damage.

I slowly open my eyes and look around. I am lying on the ground. And as I look over my shoulder I freeze. It turns out I was lying on the edge of a sharp cliff! Why me!? I could have easily fallen down if I had just rolled over. I quickly scramble to my feet and look around me. I seem to be on a Mountain. Ahem. Lemme re-phrase that. I was in the Base of Team Rocket about to get killed by my own move and now I wake up on the side of what seems to be Mount. Silver. How is that possible? I was in Kanto. Not Johto! I dust myself off and walk around the Mountain. Twice. And find that there is no path down. It is a sheer drop on all sides of the Mountain. If I try to go down, I will most defiantly die.

Then the Author joins me and starts talking to me casually. What is it with this Sylveon?


"Umm... You've jumped off a cliff before haven't you? What's the difference? You seem to be... I dunno, immortal. You've done reckless things before."

Ash: "I am not Immortal... I don't think. And I may be reckless but I know when something is past my luck. Hang on. You're the Author. How do I get down? Did you put me up here for ever? Wait. Please don't answer that. I don't want to stay up here forever!!"

"So dramatic. No your not staying up here forever. *Casually* I may like to torture my characters but I won't keep you and Serena apart for more than a year."

Ash:😡"What!! I will go insane up here!"

"Chill dude. You have company. Look behind you. Oh, and have fun staying up here for a year!"

I grab Bob's arm who is trying to keep the Fourthwall intact with sellotape and we make a run for it before Ash can Kill us.

Ash's POV:

I am so mad at that stupid Sylveon. 1 whole year without Sere! Is she an amourshipper or what!?

*I come back.*

All the Amourshippers: *Prepare to throw buses at me.*

Me: *Glares at him* You crossed the line mister! (How dare he? This entire story is dedicated to Amourshipping.) It is for the benefit of the storyline. Don't make me make it two years!!"

*I make a run for it

I roll my eyes and hear someone chuckling behind me to see a Lucario and a man emitting a very strong Aura and he is holding my box of Pokéballs.

I roll my eyes and hear someone chuckling behind me to see a Lucario and a man emitting a very strong Aura and he is holding my box of Pokéballs

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