Chapter 12

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Once the three made it to hell the portal was closed and Snack was still out cold. Charlotte started to feel better and they all walked around looking for Engfa. Aoom held Snack close to her feeling so angry at them witches. They been walking for hours and couldn't find Engfa until they came across a door. Aoom opened the door and finally they found Engfa laying on the ground. Char immediately checked Engfa pluse and couldn't find anything.

Aoom:Your not going to find one. She's already dead.

Char:Yeah right sorry. Baby can you hear me? We need your help please. Nop is trying to take control of everyone. We need you please.

Aoom:One of the witches knocked out Sn-

Char(covers Aoom mouth):She will insta-kill don't say that.

Aoom(muffled):Isn't that what we want?


Aoom(moves Chars hand):I said isn't that what we want?

Char:Mai dai na.

Engfa(softly):What happened to Snack? Don't lie to me.

Char:Your talking. That's a good sign.

Aoom:Fuck it. Nop trying to take over the world. He forced Charlotte into an marriage. A witch threw Snack across the room knocking her out. Meena almost died trying to find you and we need you. So please wake up!

Engfa immediately sat up after hearing what Aoom said. Engfa immediately disappeared and so did Snack. Aoom and Charlotte appeared with Engfa but couldn't see her. They found themselves outside of Nops house. Engfa was invisible and saw Nop having basically a foursome(himself and four witches).

Witch 1:Is it hot in here or is it just me?

Witch 2:Just you.

Witch 3:Seriously just you.

Nop:Just enjoy the fun okay? Stop being paranoid.

Witch 1 started to get hotter by the minute. Engfa touched the girl neck burning her. The woman started screaming while burning. Only thing that was left was her skeleton. No flesh at all just bones was left. Then Engfa killed the other witch the exact same way. They couldn't see where she was. Aoom and Charlotte hurried inside and saw the horrific scene. It was one witch left and Nop.

Engfa:Where the witch that threw my child?!

Nop:Don't say anything!

Witch 1:She's downstairs making dinner! This was all Nops idea! He said we should take over and kill you all because Charlotte turned him down. I don't know what he sees in that bitch anyway.

Engfa(stares):She's not a bitch! She's my wife.

Engfa grabbed the witch and bit into her releasing toxic venoms inside of the witch. The witch started to scream and started to gasp for air. Engfa pushed her arms through the woman's body and pulled out her heart. The witch body disappeared as if she didn't even exist. Engfa then turned to Nop. He immediately put on his clothes and tried to run but Engfa grabbed him from the back of his neck and started to squeeze him. Engfa was now fully in her devil form. Once rage takes over Engfa there's really no going back. Nop screamed and tried stop Engfa but couldn't. Engfa stared at Nop squeezing his neck tighter. Nop face started to turn red as he started to gasp for air.

Char:Engfa please let him go. We need to fine Snack. I'll marry you okay? Just let him go and I'm all yours. I can feel Snack energy and she's in rage just like you.

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