Bouns Chapter

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Englot wanted a day to themselves but couldn't find a babysitter to watch Emily. Aoom and Snack agreed to watch Emily so their parents could go do what they want. Once Englot left Aoom and Snack decided to play with Emily but she kept crying. Snack was getting annoyed but calmed herself down. Snack changed Emily diaper and looked at her.

Snack:Listen we are your sister na. Please go easy on us.


Aoom(smiles):Should we have sisters day again?


Snack:Should we really take her out? What if we bump into Nop?

Aoom:We have either other okay? That's all we need. Together if he decides to show up and mess with us we will kill him.

Emily:Kill him!

Snack/Aoom:No! Don't say that.

Emily:Kill him!!!

Aoom:If you say it again no sweets for you.

Emily:Sorry sissy.

Aoom Snack and Emily headed to the car and their driver took them to the mall where they ran into Liu and Meena(They were not with each other).

Meena:Baby I missed you so much. (Hugs Aoom)

Aoom(smiles):I didn't know you were back in town.

Meena:I'm sorry I thought i told you.

Liu:What are you two doing here?

Snack:Hanging out with our sister.

Liu:Huh? Where's no one here?

Snack/Aoom:Huh! She was just here.

Snack and Aoom started panicking and started to look around. Emily was nowhere to be found. Snack immediately ran inside the build-a-bear building and saw Emily.

Snack:Emily! Have you lost your mind? You can't just run off like that! What if you were fucking taken huh?!

Emily:I'm s-sorry.

Snack:Are you really sorry?! What if something happened to you huh?! We would be responsible and mom will not trust us ever again with you!

Aoom:Snack calm down.

Snack:No! If Emily was hurt or taken I'll kill myself because I won't be able to hold on to that pain. Same thing to you. If something happens to you I'll end myself. You just can't do that no matter what you understand me?!

Emily(hugs Snack):I'm sorry.

Snack:I'm not buying you anything because you doing that.

Emily(starts crying):I'm sorry.

Snack:You have to learn that being sorry and crying won't get you anything you want in life. You earn it.

Liu:Baby she's young.

Snack:And? You have to start young.

Aoom:She's our sister Snack. This time let's just go easy on her. She doesn't know how this world is. Emily if you want something you ask for it. (Wipes Emily tears)

Snack felt bad and carried Emily and hugged her. Snack help Emily make a bear and gave it to her. Aoom smiled and carried Emily while Snack held her bear. While walking they were stuck off by Nop. Emily stared at him and ran to him and hit off his ear making him scream and hold onto his face. Emily dropped his ear right infront of him. He tried to hit Emily but she disappeared and reappeared and bit off his finger. Nop ran out the mall and Emily climbed back into Aooms arms. The group left the mall immediately and headed home. They all stared at Emily while she was eating a plate full of meat Charlotte left for her.

Snack:She has to be teething.

Aoom:Sis she's a kid now.

Snack:No. She's not human kid. Ohhhhh. Huh makes since. She has to be a wolf then.

Aoom immediately went to Emily and started to kiss all over her.

Aoom:Aww my sister is so cute. (Tickles her) oh your so cute yes you are! Yes you are!

Snack:Looks like someone wants a kid.

Aoom(pouts at Meena and sits in her lap):Pleaseeee!

Meena:Baby we talked about this.

Aoom(kisses Meena and whispers in her ear):I promise to let you be top.

Meena(looks at Aoom blushing):Deal.

Aoom(smirks):I always win.

Emily:Meat is yum yum.

Liu:I bet it is good love.

Snack:It's almost time for your nap too.

Emily:No nap!


Emily:Play then nap.


They started to play for hours with Emily until she finally started getting tired. They all fell on the floor and immediately fell asleep. Hours went by and Englot finally came home to see everyone on a pallet on the floor sleeping with Emily.

Char(laughs):I guess it wasn't easy for them huh?

Engfa:Agreed. Now they see how we feel Hm?

Char:Anyone up?

Emily:MOMMY! (Runs to Char)I had a good day!

Char:Wanna tell me all about it?

Emily:Chai. (Goes into the room with Char)

Engfa:So how did it go?

Snack:First off... that word can speak?


Aoom:We apologize for saying it's easy. It was not.

Engfa(laughs):Need a drink?


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