• Chapter 4 - It was always you •

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The brunette looked up at the blonde haired boy and felt a pit open in her stomach. As quickly as the feeling came, she regained her composure and forced a sly smile onto her face as she leaned against a wall.

"Aiya.. seems like we bumped into each other?" Hu Tao said with a pleasant expression pasted on her face. Can I not have one simple walk without facing a problem?

"We need to have a talk Hu Tao." Aether said seriously, clearly concerned. Behind him, Paimon nodded furiously.

"Paimon thinks that you aren't acting as you normally would!! If it's about Chongyun you shouldn't take what he said to heart!" The floating girl said in a worried tone.

Hu Tao crossed her arms and tilted her head at the duo. Did they really bother her for such trivial matters? She had better things to do than entertain them, but oh well, if it's attention they seek, then why not put on a little show for the two?

"Aiya, of course I wouldn't take it to heart~!" Hu Tao laughing. " Only an idiot would get offended by such meaningless words. Although, saying such rude things isn't ideal, there's a reason why such sharp tongue people are 6ft under!"

"Not that I'll do anything to little Chongyun." Hu Tao said waving hand dismissing the joke. "Now is there anything else or can I be on my way, Aether?"

The traveler looked at Paimon who shrugged and shook her head. He gave her a look and she made a gesture that looked like she was saying, let's not talk about it right now. Hu Tao's smile faltered ever so sightly, what can they be talking about. Well, since they're distracted she might as well leave them be.

So while the duo were still giving each other looks, the girl quickly slipped away and walked down another street in Liyue.

"Alright then, And by the way Hu- Tao..?" Aether looked around but the girl was no where in sight. "Hu Tao??"


"Hu Tao Hu tao!" Hu tao mimicked Aether and rolled her eyes. God was he annoying, could a girl not enjoy her free time without being smacked to the face with problems from left to right? This is why the dead is more pleasant to be around, they can't bother you if they aren't even alive!

Well my fun is ruined, might aswell head back to the base to hang out with Kotoka and the others.. Hu Tao thought glumly, dragging her feet into the ground.

Just then, boom whoosh surprise, the girl bumped into another person. "No, I am fine! Now go away and stop bombing me with interrogation questions Aiya..." Hu Tao whined before cutting off when she realized who it was.

"Well that's no way to speak to the top lawyer of Liyue, Ms. Tao!" Yanfei said crossing her arms but a smile soon appeared onto her face as she embraced Hu Tao in a tight grasp.

"Where have you been Hu Tao? I haven't seen you at all for the past months!"

"Aha..! Well you see~," Hu Tao started but shut her mouth. She couldn't tell one of her best friends what she had been doing. Joining the Fatui, wouldn't that make her Yanfei's enemy? Hurry, think of some bullshit excuse Hu Tao...

"I~~~~ have been busy with funeral work! It takes a- LOT of work to promote my humble business you know~ After all, I run the best — and only — Funeral Parlor !!" Hu Tao smiled proudly and stroked a pride pose.

"Uh huh. Okay, whatever you say Hu Tao. How about we stop by Madam Ping to have some tea and talk about how we're doing? We have so much catching up to do!" Yanfei said excitedly, buying the act.

"Tea?" The brunette's face lit up and a smirk creeped onto her face.

"Of course I'll join you for tea, I can't miss selling my business to one of my future clients after all~!"

"Oh stop it! We talked about this before, DO NOT give Madam Ping a discount coupon!"

"Come on Yanfei~!! It's a really good deal, I'm sure she'll enjoy the afterlife in a luxury coffin!"

"Give her a coupon and I'll have you paying damages!"

"Aiya... you're no fun Yanfei!"

- - - -

"I haven't seen you around in a long time Hu Tao, how have things been?" Madam Ping smiled warmly at the girl as she poured 3 cups of tea and set them down in front of each seat.

"I been doing really good~ , business has been slow, but I made new friends along the way." Hu Tao was forcing a smile as there was a war going on below the table.

"New friends? You met new people?" Yanfei questioned as she was aggressively holding down the brunette's hand.

Hu tao was clutching a 50% off coupon tightly as Yanfei tried to yank it out of her hand without the old lady noticing.

"Well it's good to branch out, there's no such thing as too much friends at such a young age afterall!" Madam Ping took a sip of her tea.

"What is their names?"

Hu Tao stopped struggling suddenly.
"Their... names?"

The girl smiled to herself, but in that second, Yanfei went 'ah-ha!' , snatched the coupon before balling it up and throwing it across the railing.

Madam ping turned her head but Hu Tao was already speaking, upset that Yanfei had thrown the coupon away.

"Well~ they are also vision users~! There's Kotoka who's a hydro user, and Themis who's a cryo user."

Yanfei finally let go of Hu Tao's wrist and perked her head up.

"Ko-to-ka? And Them-mis.. that's not really your typical Liyue names. What are their occupations?"

Hu Tao froze with a smile pasted onto her face. Shit. She couldn't tell Yanfei they were fatui members, the lawyer would be upset at Hu Tao for mixing up with the wrong crowd.

Quick Hu Tao.. think of a lie, a clever lie.

Afterall, isn't lying your speicality?

Go on and lie to her, like how you lie to everyone about your mood and every action.

Why are you hesitant?

It's just a couple words, it can't hurt anyone after all, right?

Don't be such a baby, hurry and speak up you idiot.

"Their occupations?" Hu Tao said while faking a smile. "Well, you see~, I never really got their occupations, but I heard they work in the fashion and food industry~!"

Yanfei nodded in agreement but felt a bit off.

"Ai-ya~! Let's stop talking about things this boring!"
Hu Tao said quickly trying to change the subject.

"Well either way, it's getting late now so I'll be taking my leave!"

"Hu Tao wait," Yanfei said standing up. "Do you want me to walk you back?"

"Ah, there's no need Feifei ! I can make it back on my own. Well then, bye bye~!"

Hu Tao rushed out and left the streets of liyue and started making her way back to the fatui's base.

Why do I feel guilty about lying to Yanfei..?

She shook off the thought and hurried her way back.

It doesn't matter.
I shouldn't get involved in small problems anyways.

It's not like.. I'm doing anything wrong..





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