The Fourth Door

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Room 1


Nathan: That's it! i remember now my name is Nathan!!

Prince George: It is i can't believe you forgot such an important thing about yourself

Prince George: How did he forget after all..

Prince George: Well..enough talking let's get down to business

Pink: Business?

Prince George: presicely

Prince George: Since i've decided to let you two go..atleast for now i'll have to come up with something else than what i was originally planning...

Nathan: So..what is going to happen to us?

Prince George: needn't worry about small details such as this i'll have my staff and i come up with another plan for you two

Pink: I'm not sure i follow

Prince George: No worries..after all i'm sure you'll understand soon enough

Prince George: For now you two can go use the room you came from to get some rest

Pink: What about door 4?

Prince George: What about it?

Nathan: We managed to open 2 doors with the key..door 1 and door 4 so what's in number 4?

Prince George: Oh? is that was intended to be a one time use only

Prince George: Well you can explore door 4 tomorrow for now get some rest and me and my staff will get to planning

*We head to bed*


Room we woke up in


Nathan: This room is as creepy as ever..and that weird painting

Pink: Tell me about it and to think they were hiding the key behind it

Nathan: And these musty old beds..they're as  hard as a rock

Pink: I know it feels terrible laying here

Nathan: Well no point in talking about things that won't get us out of here

Pink: I guess that's true

Nathan: Goodnight

Pink: Night

*The next day*

I can hear the beautiful sounds of birds chirping outside of the window and i look outside and the grass is as green as ever my whole body feels light as i walk towards the exit and leave

Nathan: Is what i would say if we weren't stuck in this hellhole..

Pink: Oh! you're awake wanna go explore door 4?

Nathan: Oh yeah door 4 let's go


Door 4


As soon as we walk in a heavy atmosphere overtakes our bodies as if no one has been in this room for ages it's completely dark with tattered wooden walls as if whatever thing was in here had gone berserk and tried to force it's way out..everytime we step on the old floorboards they make a creaking sound back at us

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