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Each broken piece holds memory of past...And a bond that couldn't forever last✨

Author's POV

He finally reached to the mansion after an hour drive and stepped inside the mansion and was greeted with silence where once someone's
euphonious chortling could be heard, he hurriedly shrugged off these feelings which now have become habitual for him.

And hurriedly ascended the stairs and directly went in his room for freshen up as he was completely wiped out.

His body's tense muscles relaxed after taking a shower with lukewarm water, and he quickly changed into sweatpants and a basic round-neck T-shirt because he was desperate to see his kids.

However, his eyes abruptly fell on a picture of a person whose lip was twisted into a massive beam and appeared captivating.

And suddenly, someone's laughter reverberated through the deserted hallways of his heart; his eyes were always as cold and lifeless as blocks of ice.

But deep down his eyes shout what the lips fear to say as the face is just a mirror of mind and eyes without speaking confess the secret of the hearts and again he drowned in the waves of grief.

Though your smile is gone forever,
And your hand I cannot touch
I still have many memories of yours,
Your memories are my keepsakes,
With which I'll never part
God has you in his keeping,
I have you in my heart.

"His heart began to smash against the wall of his chest"

He hurriedly left the room to meet up with his little munchkins as the mere thought of his children suddenly snapped him back to reality.

Upon arriving at his kids' nursery, which had a serene blue paint job, he felt at ease.

With a gentle smile on his face, he hurried into the nursery and soon saw the two mini creatures of his, were engrossed in playing with the rainbow pyramid ring and attempting to construct a small house out of building blocks.

But sadly, they were being repeatedly betrayed by their small, frail hands.Arjun chuckled a little at their admirable efforts.

And unanticipatedly Advait✨ gaze met with his father and not too late he loudly uttered Papa.

This grab the attention of
Aayan✨and without any delay, both of them dashed in the direction of their father while sporting a massive beam glued to their mouths.

Advait reached out to Arjun first, so he picked Advait up first. However, Aayan, ever the drama queen, uttered a pitiful voice that could have brought Hitler to tears: "I know, Papa, you do not love me anymore, that is why you picked up Advait first." His words lacked clarity.

Arjun convulsed with laughter witnessing his son adorable antics and lifted him too in his arms affectionately. They each placed their head on their father's chest and encircled his neck with their small, delicate hands.

Looking at the father-son duo Madhuri mildly smiled and stroke Advait and Aayan heads gently and bid goodbye to both of them before taking leave as during nights Arjun gained the fortune of spending his time with his children solitary where he yearningly heard their blabbering and could show his genuine emotions without being judged

Arjun brought both of them in his room and gently laid them on his bed and in the twinkling of an eye they started to throw their hands and legs in air and giggled together cause "being silent wasn't in their vocabulary"

Seeing their mischievous deeds....Arjun's lip tugged upwards in a beautiful smile and he was completely lost in the world behind these eyes

Abruptly, Advait exclaimed in a cutesy voice, "Papa wait, we have to show you something," and he bolted from the room like Usain Bolt.

Within a few seconds, he returned with a white paper tightly grasped in his small hands.

Advait swiftly placed the white paper on the bed before Arjun could question him. Then, upon witnessing his children's inventiveness, Arjun's heart was filled with a sea of love and a sincere smile appeared on his lips.

 Then, upon witnessing his children's inventiveness, Arjun's heart was filled with a sea of love and a sincere smile appeared on his lips

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Can I know the reason behind making this, Arjun asked, making them both sit on his lap with tenderness and longing.

Both of them peered at eachother and tapped their index fingers on cheeks like they are understanding the law of gravity and all at once answered:-"Umm because we love you papa and wanted to make something special for our papa"

A bright smile crossed their lips as they both giggled together.

Arjun laid between both of them peacefully and cuddled his children amorously as his children were the unexpected surprise,the defining moment,the collision of stars that slammed into him hard and sent his little world plummeting into the ocean

Arjun laid between both of them peacefully and cuddled his children amorously as his children were the unexpected surprise,the defining moment,the collision of stars that slammed into him hard and sent his little world plummeting into the ocean

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Clear throat

Before there is any further misunderstanding, let me clarify that being a father entails many responsibilities. A child cannot be raised by a father who lacks warmth and affection; instead, they need to experience their father's warmth and love. Some of you may be wondering if Arjun is a bit too soft.

Thanks a lot for reading 💜

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