chapter 11

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3rd person POV

After seeing y/n so stressed after the Gojo incident shizune started to get worried

She would sometimes just stare at space

Maki noticed that something was wrong with her so she asked

"Shizune-sensei, you look very stressed. Please tell me whats wrong. I might be some help."

Shizune thought about it, maki was a intelligent girl and she knew the guys better and longer then she did, but could she really trust her that much to tell her a secret like this?

But who was she kidding? Everyone could see how lovesick all the man were towards her lady.

So with a sigh she told maki everything

After telling her everything, maki had wide eyes

"What should I do maki-chan? It pains me to see my lady so destressed."

Shizune said frowning her brows sadly.

"Normally, I would have told you to go to Geto-sensei but that isn't an option now so let's go ask the only hope that's left. Haibara-sensei. I will tell you to take the second years too spacially yuta. He knows what to do in situations like this."

Maki adviced after thinking some time

After that they went to explain everything to the second years

"This is quite problematic. It's gonna be a long thing to explain to Haibara-sensei. But none the less, it's the safest option. Let's go."

Panda said and everyone nodded
Haibara was sitting and enjoying his tea when the whole second years student group came to him

"Haibara-sensei we need your help. It's a serious matter."
maki said with a very serious tone

"Yes, Haibara-san. It's about my lady y/n and your other four colleagues. Please try to give us an answer."

Shizune politely requested

Haibara somehow knew this day would come

So he put the tea cup on the table and put two fingers on his forehead.

"Please don't tell me all of the 4 fell for one woman."

He said tiredly and everyone looked surprised

"You noticed it sensei?"

Haibara sighed

"Of course I noticed it, I am not blind, you know. Even ijichi noticed it. And the worst thing is, except y/n-san, no one is thinking rationally hare. Yuji is their student. Can't they see how this will affect him if he finds out."

He said frustratedly

"Yes, that's what I wanted to say too. What Toji, Nanami, Geto and Gojo sensei are doing might effect yuji greatly. He trusts them. If they continue this, whatever this is, and yuji finds about this, he might feel betrayed. It would be like the people who he trusts most betraying him. yuji might have trust issues in the future for this."

As yuta said this, everyone now looked horrified

It was true, how could they not think this before

"And I have a linking feeling megumi and yuji have something going on between them, um...... How do I put it,.... romantically."

Everyone looked at yuta stunned except inumaki

"Shake shake."

Inumaki also agreed with yuta

Haibara literally wanted to pull of his own hairs out

this situation can't get any worse !

"And Gojo-sensei even molested y/n-san."

Rectification! this situation just got even worse!

Everyone had wide eyes

Gojo did what now? This cannot be true. It just cannot.

"He did what.?"

Panda screamed in horror

"I don't think so."

Shizune said thoughtfully

"What do you mean?"

Haibara asked

"No one can molest her. She is the strongest. If she wanted to then she would have slapped him away but she didn't. So I think even if she is in denial, she didn't mind it."

She said with a small blush on her face

"So you're saying she likes Gojo?"

Panda asked curiously

"No. I think.... I think she likes all of them."

Yuta and Haibara chokes, coughing violently

Maki's jaw dropped and inumaki had wide eyes

Panda sat down from shock

"So you're telling me, y/n-san likes all four of them? Gojo Satoru, Geto Suguru, Fushigoru Toji and Nanami kento?"

Haibara asked with wide eyes and shizune nodded

"Either what you're thinking is wrong or y/n-san is gonna have problems in the future. Big ones."

Yuta said as shizune glared at them

"Don't be fullish, my lady had the permission from the government to marry as meny men as she wishes. She was told to marry a while ago but she didn't as she loved Lord Jin very much. And raised young Lord yuji all by herself."

She said with a snort

Everyones jaws hit the floor

"Really?"maki asked

Shizune nodded

"Yes. She's the last of the Senju clan. Even if Lord yuji is a part Senju he doesn't have chakra. He's just a civilian. So they tried to bribe her with as many men she likes just to get heirs for the Senju clan. My lady loved lord Jin very much. That's why even after everyone pressuring her to remarry she didn't. She even took me in, I am lord jins neice. She never likes men after that. Stayed in her bubble. But I am glad to see her being with your friends. I can see that they also love her very much and I am grateful for that. But she can't be always stressed. She has too much responsibility on her, even her little mistakes count. That's why I am here for your advice Haibara-san. What can we do?"

Shizune said frowning

Haibara thought about it for a long time then sighed

"There is nothing we can do about this. It's not our matter. They have to solve this mess themselves. We can only pray it doesn't go wrong."

Haibara said defeated

There really was nothing they could do in this matter.

Everyone else looked at each other and nodded their heads.

This is gonna be nerve wracking

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