Chapter one the unknown

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This is set right after his fight with akaza


*darkness that's all that surrounds me and silence. last i remember I saw my mother and felt her warm loving embrace*

"I'm so proud of you kyojuro my son"

*that's what she told me as she hugged me after I died. she was waiting for me. Im dead.*

"Senjuro, I'm so sorry I broke my promise to you."

*I felt a warm tear fall down my face. I can still feel?*

"Mother where are you?" *I called out to the darkest that surrounded me to no response*

*the darkness was expansive, and I began to walk, hours passed or was it days? I don't know but I felt colder and more numb by the second, my limbs getting stiffer, I could no longer bend my knees so I was walking with my legs straight*

"Is this truly the afterlife, it's so plain so numb"

*j continued forward my arms unmoving and solid my wrists could still flex, eventually I proped them up in front of me, incase I found an escape from this dark hell I was put into*

"Please let me out I want to see mother, the warm embrace of her hug again" *I pleaded the darkness didn't respond*

*then pain truly agonising my body felt on fire I couldn't move at all I was frozen in pain, then the ground cracked I felt myself falling but closed my eyes, I didn't want to know what arrived for me next*

*I felt numb I was laying down? I couldn't open my eyes, someone something was speaking but I couldn't make out a word, it out something on my head which stopped the pain and it felt warm and comforting as I layed there, I tried to move but couldn't at all, what was going on I can't speak?*

"God damn it another failure" *the unknown being said*

*the first thing I heard as I felt them lift me and I was thrown somewhere a ditch maby I heard a creature possibly an animal as I lay there I could only lay and listen*

*what sounded like weeks passed I could only tell by the bird calls before I tried to move once more*

*I succeeded I opened my eyes I was indeed in a ditch, I was dressed strangely and something was on my forehead, my clothes looked the the garb of your traditional zombie (the aisian style one not western) but the garb has a flame print, I felt cold but couldn't move more than my eyes, I was under a whisteria tree that must be why no demon touched me*

*I sat there watching as days fell into nights then back to days the sunset and sunrise were so wonderful to see, days were my favourite as they felt warm while nights were cold and ruthless*

*after what looked like five days I tried to move again and was finally able to get up out the ditch my body was stiff my legs could only move at the hip my arms at the shoulder my hands were fully flexible my neck hurt to move*

*I made my way down the hill mountain whatever I was on*

*I found a pond and decided to look into the water to tell what I am unfortunately for me I saw a dead looking face in the water with eye bags my eyes had no shine I was indeed a zombie what I least hoped for, I was resurrected from the dead, I guess I should find where to stay for a bit as I figure out what to do next, I'm unsure if I should return to the corp or my family or if I should stay away I need to think*

*as I continued my way I found a small house without anyone there so decided to make it my temporary home maby my permanent one*

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