Chapter Two

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"Kylianna Moneclair?" The lady behind the desk read.

She looked at me and I returned the favour, studying her crisp white shirt as she analysed my face. After stamping on one of the many blank pages of my passport, she opens the gate and lets me through.

Following the signs, I walk through the departure hall until I reached my boarding gate where a small, private jet awaited. The signature design of the white stars against the blue background along with the red and white stripes adorned the tail of the plane.

The little vehicle that had carted me and my bags out onto the tarmac deposited me by the stairs of the plane, where two men in uniform waited with their hands folded behind their backs.

"Ah, Miss Moneclair, it's a pleasure." The guy with more medals extended a hand which I shook firmly. "I'm William Samuels, Head of Security in the White House."

He steps back, motioning to the guard beside him. "This is Austin Rogers."

I flashed Austin a grin and decided against shaking his hand since he looked about my age.

"I'll leave you two to get acquainted on board. Austin has to brief you on this assignment. Welcome to the Secret Service, Kylianna."

"Actually, call me Kylie." I smiled and went in first, my luggage tucked inside the undercarriage of the jet.

Austin leads me to a booth towards the back of the small cabin. Files had already been spread out on the table, their contents about to be revealed to me.

I slid into the booth, relaxing in the cushioned seats as Austin does the same across from me. He clears his throat, getting the attendant of a flight attendant.

"What can I get you, Mr Rogers?"

What has this boy done to deserve his title? I cocked my head to the side, taking in his face.

He asks for two glasses of water. Sarah – the flight attendant – promises us our drinks as the plane pulls onto the runway. I leant back in my seat, bracing myself.

However, Austin was ready to get to work.

He pulls out the papers in the first folder. Information on the President and his family. I raised a brow. This was included in the package Madame gave me.

"I trust that your guardian had provided you with these?" He folds his hands

I nodded. "I've read through most of it."

"Good, I didn't want to let you do your homework in class today." Austin inhales sharply as he pulls out a stack of documents that he did not show me.

"You are supposed to watch over Stephanie Richardson, which means following her wherever she goes – including school."

"And what will you be doing?" I take a sip of the water that Sarah brought over.

Austin's face does not reveal a thing. "I'll be watching you for your first few months, but after that, you're on your own. I'm set to take over William's job as Head of Security."

Trying, I kept my face neutral, just like Austin's.

We landed in the afternoon of the next day, getting off the plane and into an armoured vehicle. It was all so fast. As soon as I knew it, we were at the security checkpoint of the White House.

"Sorry, Kylie, but we're going to have to strip you."

I raised an eyebrow. You had got to be kidding me.

"All your weapons, on this tray – including that knife you've got strapped to your thigh." William ordered.

Ignoring everyone else, I rolled up the pants leg of my cargo trousers, unstrapping every single piece of cutting edge weaponry from my body. The men turned away to give me privacy, but blushing was just not my thing.

With one last comb through my coffee brown hair, I sprinkled my collection of razor sharp hairpins into the over flowing tray.

William and Austin flanked my sides as I walked through the metal detector.

"You look hot with your hair down." Austin whispered as I sashayed on, rocking my high-cut, combat tank top.

"I know."

William knocked on the double doors, the wood producing a crisp sound. Someone welcomed us from the inside and the doors were opened. Austin was still by my side, not trusting me unguarded around the President himself.

"Good afternoon, sir." I greeted before even William could say anything.

President Gregory Richardson chuckled, a cheerful sound. He put down a glass of amber liquid as he stood, walking out from behind his table to formally shake my hand.

His eyes crinkled as he smiled, warm and inviting like a father. He was the father of America.

"Welcome to Washington." He leads us to the cluster of couches nearby.

I remained standing as the men sat. William and Austin looked at me expectantly.

"Are you going to sit down?" President Richardson inclined his head kindly.

At that moment, I would have gasped at such a ridiculous invitation. Then I realised, this was not the Keep. The rules that bound me to the harsh discipline were different here.

"I'm sorry," I sank into the sofa. "We weren't allowed to sit in the presence of higher ranking acquaintances."

The men withdrew their curiosity.

After a few questions, the President ordered Austin to take me to my room – the one next to Stephanie's. Although I was perfectly capable of handling my own bags, he insisted on making me look weak.

"Anything else I can get you?" He asks from the doorway.

Rising, I moved over to where Austin was so I did not have to raise my voice.

"I want my gear back." My voice rippled with the promise of violence.

But Austin didn't seem to understand.

I leant in closer, "All my gear."


I frowned at the dress that Annie-Lauren – the personal stylist for the President's family – had left out for me. It was black and smart, fitting me perfectly.

"I don't do dresses." I stated flatly.

"And neither do you do family dinners, however, you'll be experiencing both tonight." Austin steps into my room, fixing up his tie.

"Wait for me. I don't want to walk out alone, and I'm not done memorising the maps."

Grabbing the dress, I bolted myself in the toilet. Stripping off my combat outfit, I slipped into the silky outfit, adjusting the too-thin straps before slipping into the heels.

I did try not to preen, but I did look good in this. Maybe I should get Annie-L to find me more of these.

Austin sucked in a breath when I appeared, look and walking past him.

"Not a word."

"Miss Richardson," Austin spoke up, getting my ward's attention.

Stephanie turns, a smile on her face. "Ah, Austin, I was just about to send for –" She pauses when she notices me.

Flicking her platinum blonde hair out of her face, she grins yet again.

"Hi, I'm Stephanie Richardson, I try to get people to call me Steph, but," She leans in. "Aussie's too prim and proper."

Austin steps in between us, clearly not liking Stephanie's nickname for him. He grabs my shoulders as if I was the one that needed to be restrained.

"This is Kylianna Moneclair, your bodyguard." Austin said.

"It's Kylie," I glanced at the clock behind Stephanie. "And it's time for dinner."

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