Chapter Eight

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"Are you sure you don't want to join us?" Westley Adams, head of the Secret Service, asked.

He was dressed in a suit, a flute of champagne in his hand, his wife by his side. I smiled – something that I have been doing quite often lately – as I shook my head, sipping the carbonated water that I had opted for.

"So what will you do, now that your mission is over?" He raised a brow, looking genuinely interested.

Flashing another mysterious smile, I said, "Well, I just turned seventeen. College seems like an option."

"You've already finished college." Austin pipes up, walking over to my side.

I laughed as Austin kissed the back of my hand, "Don't blow my cover." I warned teasingly.

Looking back up, I find that Westley had already moved off, leaving me with Austin. I took a step back, eyeing him up and down.

"What?" He chuckles, wrapping an arm around my waist.

I reached up and fixed the handkerchief in his breast pocket, not meeting his eyes. His deft fingers twirled my freshly curled hair.

"Did I tell you that you look dashing in that suit?"

"Did I tell you that you're looking beautiful too?"

I shrugged, "I can't help it, I am half Italian."

He pulled me closer, forcing me to look up at him.

"So what are you going to do?" We swayed ever so slightly to the music.

"Go back to the Academy, train, you know."

His strong hands gripped my waist to the point that it hurt.

"I'm kidding! Can't you just tickle me instead?" I cried out.

There was no answer, for Austin's gaze was fixed on my lips.

Stephanie comes to visit me before I get into the car. Her flowery dress flutters in the wind. It messes up her perfect blonde hair as well, but she does not seem to care.

"I'll miss you." She says, holding on to both of my hands.

"Me too." I put down my bags and embrace her, my thoughts flying through my mind.

She pulls back, "Come visit, alright?"

I smiled, putting on my aviators that the Secret Service let me keep.

"Will do."

Stephanie hugged me once again and I waved goodbye to the members of staff who had come to send me off.

I slid into the front seat, buckling up before giving the White House staff a final wave to bid them farewell. President Richardson had an arm around his son, Stephen. He extended his arm to Stephanie as she returned to his side.

He nodded, his eyes crinkling as he smiled, holding his children close. I prayed that my mother would do just that.

Austin parked the car at the airport, getting my bags and walking me to the departure hall. We spent our last few minutes at a coffee shop in silence. We did not want to think about the separation – did not want to believe it. I just wanted to stay here, studying the wood grain. I would have done that my entire life if it meant that I would be allowed to spend more time with Austin.

But the announcement for my flight came.

"Don't forget me, alright?" Austin called from the barrier.

I dropped my bags and ran back to him, cradling his head with my hands as I smashed my lips to his in a desperate kiss.

"Don't you dare wait for me." I ordered, tears threatening to spill. Before he could interject, I continued, "Get out there, find someone else, and fall in love. Live your life."

With that, I turned and ran, sprinting for the plane. The comet tails of my tears streaked down my face as I forced myself to keep going, as if running would make it all better. It didn't.

If I had the power to stop the plane, I would have done just that. It killed a part of me knowing that Austin was watching this flight take off, standing behind the mirrored glass watching and wishing that it did not have to be this way.

Flight attendants paced up and down the thin walkways, smiling as if everything was alright. People laughed, at ease and excited for the trip. Somehow, I did not share in their excitement. I sunk low in my seat, pulling my jacket tighter around me and turning to look out the window, trying to find Austin.

Finally, I managed to tune of the incessant chatter, my gaze fixated as I studied the runway. It was silent in my head, the ever-roaring thoughts quiet for once. Another tear made its way down my cheek, but I made no move to wipe it off.

Shutting my eyes, I curled up on myself and let out a strangled sob. It was then that I allowed myself to cry.


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