Part eleven

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I dunno why but I feel sad it's been so many years since all of this happened to me but I still feel as if it's fresh

Men have really dealt with me in their own way and here my boss is hating on me and making my life a leaving hell what's going on

I know even my parents ain't proud of me that's why they have never called to ask if I am okay , my dad always talk as if he doesn't care what's all this

The guy whom I love the most dumped me and now I am all alone , my friends are no longer here no one cares how u feel

She didn't even know the time she slept off while crying ....

Next morning
Office time
My head pains a lot , I hurried took my bath and went to office ,  everyone kept looking at me at a point I was scared like what's wrong I had to rush to the bathroom

I checked the mirror my eyes were a lil but puffy I know everyone knew I cried oh god

I washed my face and went to my office
A call came through
Come to my office and he hanged up

I knocked once and he answered I am surprised at his actions

He looked at me and turned his face but then he turned immediately and looked at me

Miss ?
Aha miss Aisha what's wrong
Nothing sir You called me

I want you to take this files re-enter them in my system and bring it back

But sir why me
What do u mean ?
Why always me , why are you bent on destroying me , you are making my life a leaving hell since I came here I shouted

He kept staring at her
If you really want to hurt just do it ASAP so it can go I am tired
She busted and cried heavily

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