Someone could see (13)

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Iryas pov:

It's been two weeks since I confessed my home life to Dean. And in these past two weeks, Dean has not left my side. Kids at school began to make rumors of our friendship being more then what it seemed, that I was black mailing Dean to be my friend, Dean lost a bet...the list could go on and on. They were currently in the lunch room at school, eating together and talking about their secret date for the night, when my composure changed from excited to a bit sad.

"Dean.....are we making the right choice? If your mother finds out about us, or anyone for that matter..." I was rambling on about my worries. It's been almost 6 months and I knew for a fact that I was in love him.

"Hey guys. Mind if I join you?" Marco asked while sitting down by me. I stopped quietly rambling and smiled at him. Marco is the only one that knows about the Dean and I. Dean told him a month ago after Marco noticed a change in his behavior.

"Ya know. You two better be careful. Half the cafeteria is staring." Marco chuckled out. Irya blushed and looked around. Eyes darted back to trays and whispers started.

"I'm about over all this hiding anyway Irya, let them stare." He said in a sexy voice while leaning over and getting dangerously close to my face. I blushed harder and moved away.

"Dean stop." I pushed him back and hide my smile.

"Any plans for tonight?" Marco asked us. Dean smiled again and told him it was movie date night. Marco laughed at us, scarfed his sandwich down and stood up.

"Sorry this was short lived but I gotta go, have fun tonight. I'm going to go see if Mary has plans." he said with a wink. I pretended to gag at her name till Marco walked off shaking his head.

"I'll see you tonight." I said standing up myself while grabbing my backpack.

"Where are you going? Dean pouted. I turned back around and smiled at him.

"I have to go early to help my parents get ready for their dr app. I told you this yesterday." I stated. Dean got up and followed me out of the lunch room and down the hall.

"Well do you need help?" He asked reaching for my hand, but I quickly pulled away.

"Dean, someone could see!" I said in a hushed panic.

He sighed annoyed, stopped walking and started pacing in a line. Dean was in a dilemma with wanting to respect what I wanted but also hating having to hide all the time. I turned around after noticing he was no longer following me and watched him pace. Curiosity on my face grew to worry when he wouldn't stop pacing. Till finally he did.

Dean stopped, looked at me, then decided to do something that would let the cat out of the bag for good. He gave me his famously seductive smirk, walked up to me, grabbed my hands and slowly backed me into the nearest wall. I began to breathe deep and turned red from embarrassment, as well as being completely aroused by deans actions. Curious eyes watched as Dean wouldn't let me move.

"I don't care what they think Irya, I love you." He said in a loud voice. Before I could get a word out, Dean passionately placed his lips onto my soft plump ones.

Without another thought of others opinions, I melted into his lips. Just like I did every time. Something changed around me when he kissed me I felt safe and completely relaxed. We broke the kiss and realized a 3rd of the school saw us. Including Mary and Marco.

Marco stood giving us a large goofy smile with a thumbs up. Mary, along with the rest of the school looked like their suspicions had been answered. Phones quickly came out and chatter erupted through the halls.

"Want to start date night early?" He seductively whispered in my ear. Bringing his eyes back to mine. Wanting to be away from the staring eyes, I smiled and slowly shook my head yes.

"I love you Dean but we probably shouldn't have done that." I admitted to him after we were in his car and away from Prying eyes. He quickly frowned and turned the car off.

"Irya, there's nothing I wouldn't do to prove to you that I truly love you. And us being public about this is one of the ways I want to prove it. No more hiding. No more secret dates. Just us." He said while grabbing my hand. I smiled at him and held onto his hand until his mother's face came to my mind.

"What about your parents, what about my job?" I sadly asked. Pulling away from his hand.

"We won't be able to hold it from her forever but for now, I will tell her the rumors are not true. But I will not hide my affection for you anymore Irya." Dean said. He leaned towards me and softly gave a quick kiss to my lips, then slowly left little kisses down my cheek and jaw line.

"Your Stuck with me Miss Davidson." Dean seductively said nibbling on my ear. Something he found a few weeks back when fooling around is I definitely had a weak spot for ear nibbling. Rather I realized it or not. It made me squirm and Dean loved watching me squirm.

"Let's go to the manor and watch a movie and order pizza. Ya?" He asked with a playful grin. I sighed and looked at him.

"Ok. Since I'm clearly not going to win this battle, let's go. Pizza and movie Sounds like fun." I said while putting my seat belt on. Dean smiled, grabbed my hand again and pulled out of the school parking lot. Positive he would get an ear full from his mother later about leaving school early.

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