Jack's brother

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Toby's P.O.V

Me and Jack haven't talked the whole day so it was kinda nice to talk to him, I had found him somewhere training while talking to this younger boy who kept saying brother when he needed something "Big brother who is that short man, dad says that people who are short or gay are called a Twink." The boy said, and when Jack saw me he was trying not to laugh "No that's not a Twink Colby that's my friend Toby." Jack said "Well it's nice to meet your boyfriend." Colby said, and that had stopped Jack's laughter "Colby that's my friend not boyfriend." Jack said "I'd rat-ther die then date your b-broth-er." I said "Don't say that Tobes cause you know that you don't mean it." Jack said "No it's true." I said, then Jack was almost instantly right in front of me but when I went to look at him he grabbed my face and I clearly saw that he didn't like the joke, he had let me face go, he instead had grabbed my back "If you ever say that again I swear I will fuck you to the point you will be begging for me to stop." He said quietly so it was only me and him who heard it "O-Ok s-sor-rry." I said and to be honest I couldn't tell if he was being serious, then he walked over to his brother who was smiling brightly at him.

After a while Jack took Colby back to their parent's house which I was there too but I didn't know why, but they did, when we got there Jack's mom was glaring at me like I had just fucked her husband "Jack get out of the car I need to speak with you." She said, after a while I saw her hitting Jack, but Jack didn't do anything and he eventually came back to the car but I could tell he wasn't happy and I knew why "Jack a-ar-re you ok?" I asked "Yes Toby, just mind your own damn business." He said "Ok-k." I said, he ended up apologizing to me while we were on our way to the mansion.

When we got back his daughter Sammy was all over the place with Sally and Lazari while Ezra was chilling with tripod (the cat) on his knees and the place looked like straight up shit, and Slender sounded like he wanted to cry "I don't want to do this anymore." Slender said, and it sounded bad, then Jason came up to me "Hey Toby I wanna show you something." He said as he started to drag me, and I did say anything cause it had happened way to fast for me to process what was happening.

Jack's P.O.V

I got kinda jealous when Jason talked to Toby, then I had realized how stupid that was 'Who gets jealous over someone talking to their friend?' I thought but when I tried to think of an answer for that, I couldn't but I knew that I was one for sure.

After a while Toby came back giggling to himself "Are you ok?" I asked "Yeah." He said "I-I just caused even more dr-rama between J-Jeff and Jane." He added "If they find out that you lied then you're dead." I said "I k-know." He said "Toby, I'm gonna let them kick your ass if they find out." I said "I know yo-ou would." He said "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked "N-Nothing." He said "Tobes tell me." I said "Nothing." He said, I was walking over to him, when he looked at me he looked terrified and I had grabbed his waist "Tell me what it means Toby."  I said "N-Not-t-thing." He said, I had brought my face closer to his "Tell me what the fuck that means." I said "N-Not-thi-ng J-Jac-ck." He said backing up, but I got closer and grabbed him by his waist "Tell me what the fuck that means Tobias." I said "No." He said "Toby I'm gon-" I went to say but then my phone rang and I saw my brother's contact there "Lucky bastard." I said before answering my phone.

Toby's P.O.V

I thought Jack was gonna kill me but he didn't which made me glad, but I didn't want him to shut her got off the phone so I had left.

When I got downstairs everyone was telling and either in the kitchen or the living room which I didn't understand why, as I was walking closer to Nina I felt sunshine not my back but I didn't know what it was, and before I could ask nurse Ann came running up to me "Toby are you ok, are you feeling ok?" She asked "I feel fine, but what happened, what's in my back?" I asked "You need to go to the infirmary." She said as she dragged me off.

After a while Jack came rushing downstairs and into the infirmary, and when he saw me he looked happy "Toby I swear to God in gonna beat your ass if your not more careful." He said "Hi J-Jack." I said, then Jack walked up to me and gave me a hug.

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