Chapter 4- Good as New

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       Cedric made his way to the Kingdom garden for a walk. It bothered him to think that he was never going to be successful in overthrowing the King. He wanted so badly, to prove to himself that he was worth it all. "What am I going to do?" He huffed to himself. Just then Cerdic heard a strange noise it sounded as though someone was weeping nearby.

Honestly, he couldn't care less about who was crying at this hour but it sounded close by. Cedric slowly made his way to the crying sound, there he found a woman slumped down to the side of a nearby tree covering her face and weeping quite loudly. He wasn't sure what to do he stood there for a moment awkward as he thought of what he should say. Cedric thought clearing his throat would do the trick but when he tried the sound of the woman's tears muffled the noise he tried once again but nothing happened.

'Okay,' he sighed to himself.

He then reached out to tap the woman's shoulder. With that, she gave out a jump as she sprung her head towards his direction. The woman quickly dried her tears off before looking up at Cedric.

"Is something wrong?" Cedric asked looking down at the lady, he wasn't sure what more he should do. Y/n tried her best to compose herself but couldn't seem to get a grip.

Cedric noticed the ink all over her dress, "If this is what's wrong I-I can fix it!" He said as he knelt to her side he then pulled out his wand from his back pocket. "Stanius erasesius!" He chanted and just like that the stain disappeared.

Y/n looked down at her dress to see the black ink was gone. "There see," he whispered as he looked at the girl, "good as new."

"Thank you," Y/n said not taking her eyes off her dress. "That was really nice of you."

"Oh," Cedric's eyes widened at the compliment, "thank you- um here," Cedric said as he offered Y/n his hand. She looked up at him sadly and hesitantly took his hand. "What are you doing out here?" He asked. "I've never seen you in the castle before."

"Oh I eh," Y/n said in a low tone. "I messed up... I don't think you'll ever see me in the castle again." Y/n explained. "I need to go pack, thanks again," and with that, Y/n ran back into the castle leaving Cedric speechless.

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