// 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕤𝕚𝕩𝕥𝕪-𝕥𝕨𝕠 //

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hiraeth - part sixty-two


       The light faded around the four from universe seven, looking around in surprise. Unlike the realm of Kais that Shin resided in, this one closely resembled Earth, with its bright yellow sky that resembled a setting sun, stretching fields of green grass, and a dirt path leading toward a temple. Behind the temple resided the celestial tree, which was far greater in size than the temple. Its pink petals covered the ground like snow, gently following the breeze that blew by.

"A presence," Zamasu gasped as his eyes widened, setting down the tea cup. Gowasu looked up at the Kai in confusion, beginning to notice a large godly energy as well. "Someone is here, someone new."

Zamasu was immediately on his feet, practically stomping towards the intruders with half a mind to kill them before the older Kai could catch up. As the two approached the group of new energy, both Zamasu and Gowasu were shocked to see not just a God of Destruction and his attendant, but two mortals with them.

"There you are," Beerus spoke with annoyance, placing his hands on his hips as Gowasu and Zamasu approached. "You're Gowasu, correct?"

"Y-Yes, it's quite a surprise to see you, Lord Beerus, Whis," Gowasu bowed before them, gesturing to Zamasu for him to bow as well. The green Kai grumbled in annoyance, bowing before them, before stiffly standing up straight.

"You've brought mortals into the realm of the Kais," Zamasu pointed out in distaste, glaring at them. One mortal was quite spunky, shaking with excitement, while the other was barely in view, hiding behind Whis. Beerus immediately noticed Zamasu's disgust, feeling put off by how similar Zamasu sounded to Black. As Gowasu reprimanded Zamasu for his rudeness, Beerus spoke up.

"We've come a long way, Kais. We're looking for someone strong and smart, a fighting genius. I came by to see your new apprentice because he fit the bill, so my Supreme Kai said," Beerus spoke, eyeing Zamasu. He definitely looked strong, having a very lean build. Zamasu squinted his eyes at Beerus, immediately suspicious of the God.

"Oh? And what would you have of Zamasu?" Gowasu questioned. Beerus smirked, grabbing the Saiyan man at his side by his shoulders and pulling him forward.

"This is Son Goku," Beerus introduced, Goku grinning in excitement as he shakily waved his hand, unable to stand still. "He's a brilliant fighter, the best I've seen. We've even gone toe to toe before, to a standstill,"

"That is... quite impressive, to say the least," Gowasu said with a nervous smile, confused on where Beerus was going with this. "But I don't understand what this has to do with Zamasu."

"It's quite simple. I want your Kai to spar with Goku, so that I may further test Goku's strength." Beerus said. Zamasu's eyes widened in shock, while Goku was giggling like a child. Zamasu looked down to Gowasu for backup, but the man simply gave him a harsh look, as if saying to do as Beerus demanded. Zamasu scoffed, clenching his fists.

"What's the point?" He asked, surprising Beerus, his eyes widening. "He is but a mortal, his strength does not matter. In fact, I dare say his strength should be offensive. Mortals have no need for strength, they're all violent brutes, like this one here."

"Zamasu! Watch your tongue!" Gowasu glared at him, making the younger Kai sigh in annoyance. Whis chuckled, stepping forward, as if to intervene before any more could be said.

"Goku is my apprentice, much like you are Gowasu's. I happen to agree that mortals needn't possess so much strength, but Goku is an exception. I would very much appreciate it if you gave us just a few moments of your time to test Goku." Whis said. Zamasu glared at Whis, his eyes drifting over to Goku as he looked the Saiyan up and down. He sighed, shaking his head.

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