Should've said it

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[Part 2 of breaks like glass]
There are five stages of grief - Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance but what if we add one more...revenge.

His thoughts haunted her from the start of dawn till the end of dusk. It felt like a ludus, where she lost and he won. The kind of game that Eros played for his entertainment. She tried and tried to deny but love was to strong to be denied. Her heart couldn't stomach it. She fell in love with him? How could she! She blamed herself for falling in love with such a scoundrel. Love seemed like an enemy. Someone she hated with each and every fibre of her body. People called her crazy but she denied each and every fact. She denied any signs of love.
Don't blame her, love made her crazy...

The pillows that she hugged each night to sleep thinking about him now were ripped to shreads just like her heart. She wanted to pierce the same hurt that did to her now, right through his heart. The anger build like a wild fire in her. The man which brought her immense amount of love in her life now brought showers of loathe. She made people fear love. Her eyes burnt like fire with each of his memory scarred in her mind. Her anger slowly devoured her. She wanted to let it all out not caring if everyone called her a mad woman. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
I have got a list of names and yours is in red underlined.

She prayed each night to the mighty Aphrodite to give her another chance. She made deals with the angels or probably even the devil. She tried to justify her actions to herself and others. Maybe it her not him. Maybe she was the one crazy in love. Her heart tried to speak it out, justify it but her mind just slammed a door back. She begged and begged for a chance. She longed for forgiveness. She bargained with love but alas if it was this easy.
Oh, no, there you go, making me a liar
Got me begging you for more.

Her eyes held the heaviness of betrayal which were seen crystal clear. She spent her days among the dark walls. She cried herself to sleep. Drop of diamond like tears painted her face. She couldn't accept it. She questioned her actions and her love to Gods each day. She tried to forget him, she really did. But his thoughts stood strong against her. She slowly and gently dived into the arms of grief. She couldn't take this all. She felt like Atlas holding up the weight of grief rather than the sky. Her body pained with holding the heavy weight of grief, his thoughts and most importantly her love.
After laughter comes tears...

She build the courage against this pained love. She gave all her might to fight it. She decided to take her key of happiness in her happiness. She didn't let anyone else take the control of her life. Love isn't envious or boastful. It does not insist on its own ways it is not irritable or resentful. It does not rejoice in wrong doings, but rejoices it truth. She denied it but the truth was she was in love with him.
She was a girl with good intentions, she made some bad decisions, she learnt a couple of lessons.

What people don't talk about grief is it's last stage, revenge. And the stage that people especially woman love. This time it wasn't her who begged. He fell on his knees begging to come back, he was the one who craved love now. The same fire lit in her eyes except these weren't of anger. Something burnt in her when she saw karma occur in front of her eyes. The same eyes that cried and shed precious tears all because of him. Now, he would know the grief of love. She was crazy for him. Love was broken for her but now is broken for him. Baby, he fell from grace landed right in your place. Kissed me so many times that she forget his taste. Call her cold hearted or a mad woman but his suffering made her feel satisfied. A sinister smirk lit her face each day thinking about him. The smile that made everyone fear her and her love.Now it was him that loathe her love, begged longed and urged each day for love. If he loved her so much he should've said it. All that happened with her when she was all alone now repeated it with him. She heart felt at peace like the damaged had been treated with a bandage and healed. Call it revenge or karma. But what goes around comes around, remember that love.
If you wanted me so desperately
You should've said it...

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