The photo album

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To the person who brought immense happiness in my life. To my friend and even something more...

I had stumbled upon our old photo album. It was not just an album but a collection of memories we made together. It had your power of bringing a smile on my face. Each photo of us together fluttered my heart.

Remember when we first met?
It was the year 2002. Hot October air blew in the park. The sand blew on my face but I could only think about my broken doll that laid on the sand. My hair that was neatly tied into two ponytails was a mess. But I could only think of you. You broke my doll. You stood there awestruck too confused to do anything. "I am sorry, I guess." You murmured. And then hugged me though I didn't hug you back, too heart broken.
I still have the doll you gave me as a replacement when I didn't talk to you for one whole week.

Remember every friendship day?
We used to make each other bracelets each time. We didn't care what the others said. It was nothing much but recieving the same chocolate and bracelet did something to my heart. To this day we follow this tradition.

Remember when it was a task to convince people we were "just friends". A girl and a boy can be friends too, right?

Remember when we made cookies together? You threw flour all over my face. Yes it was all fun and games until we almost burnt the kitchen. We ate burnt cookies and play fighting. Until we dropped together on the bed. You on top of me, inches apart. I admit I got lost there and then. Before anything else could happen the pizza delivery guy had rang the doorbell.

Remember our movie nights together? Fighting whether to put a horror movie or a light-hearted rom com. We always would end up with horror movie, even though you hated it. "Don't get scared, I am here." You would comment. But moments later it was you wrapped around me hiding your face behind the pillow. And there we would close our eyes and fall into a deep sleep.

Remember when we used to play games together? Our fingers brushes lightly on the console as you taught me to play. Your voice whispered in my ears as your hair tickled my neck. But I was too busy gazing at you rather than the game. I wasn't a gamer but I won everytime surprisingly. Maybe it was the smile that you put each time I won.

Remember our first trip together? You were annoyed that our friends were coming together, but can you blame them. Our friends decided to get a room for each pair. At night it was you, me and a bed. You cleared your throat diffusing the silence. I swear you could cut the tension with a knife. "Come on its not like we have never slept together before." You said nonchalantly. Little did we know that night would change our lives.

Fast forward to now. We lay wrapped in each other's arms. Under the covers our bodies are wrapped around. Your little whispers were enough to make my morning pleasant. Since 2002, you were my one and only. And this all happened from 2002...

Now we're under the covers
Fast forward to eighteen
We are more than lovers
Yeah, we are all we need
When we're holding each other
I'm taken back to 2002

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