Chapter One: All It Took

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A/N: Remember to vote and comment. There will be another chapter so don't worry. Dedicating this to chxrlie95 for being my beta. :)

All it took was one night. A night that started off like the one they had a while ago, before she had made her home in New York. Starting with a phone call, then a late night drive and ending back at her house. A night so similar to the one she wrote about. Taylor already knew how the night would end when her phone lit up only minutes before Harry's car pulled into her driveway. They would end up in bed, skin touching skin, the feeling of fire running through their bodies.

The night started off simple. Talking about their lives, catching each other up on events or things they wanted the other to know. Eventually turning into comfortable silence, the sounds of the waves crashing filling the air while various thoughts ran through both their minds. However, the crashing turned deafening and the air became cold before they decided to warm up with a late night coffee and head back home.

Entering the house, a soft meow filled the room before either of them were able to speak. The sight of Meredith running to the familiar man, who crouched down to pat her head, made Taylor smile. It made her mind transport her to the time when she and Harry were together in a somewhat normal, stable relationship. His fascination with the Scottish fold always brought a smile to her face. Taylor was however, pulled from her thoughts when another meow came from behind her, indicating Olivia's presence in the room. Taylor walked over to the white cat and cradled her in her arms, bringing her over to introduce to Harry for the first time. He smiled the smile, which made Taylor weak at the knees. The one that she felt like everything in the world had melted away. All her troubles and worries felt like they were gone. She giggled when Harry took her paw and shook it, introducing himself like he would to another human. Placing Olivia down on the ground, Taylor sat on the couch, taking her shoes off while Harry followed to sit next to her, taking off his jacket and draping it on the back of a chair.

They sat and talked even more, occasionally stopping to play with one of the cats that was desperately seeking attention. Olivia constantly interrupted their conversation to receive pats from the guy who was relatively new to her, while Taylor snapped pictures on her phone of the cute moment unfolding before her. Their casual talking, however turned into silence again before making its way into a flirting manner. When it did, Taylor knew it was bound to happen at any moment. The moment she had been anticipating since opening his car door. It started with small movements, inching closer to the each other before their lips finally met. It started off small and delicate, their lips just touching like they were having their very first kiss all over again. It turned into passion and heat, tugging on the others lip, asking permission to enter their tongue while moans escaped from both of them. Harry pulled Taylor onto his lap to deepen the kiss, running his hands down her body before bringing the hem of her sweater above her head. The removal of the first item of clothing was all it took for them to not put a stop to what they were doing. There was no turning back.

Moving from the couch, the pair made their way to the piano, the first solid item in their way from the living room to the stairs that provided an anchor. More clothing made its way to the floor, exposing Harry's tattooed covered flesh. The sight of his tattoos, in addition to the new one on his thigh, the one she knew she had inspired, brought another smile to her face. Leaving a trail of open mouth kisses and bruises across their bodies, the two finally made it to a bed. Their night together was full of passion, heat and desire and what felt like to Taylor, love.

Consumed by the others presence made them forget about the simple things. For Taylor, her nightly routine was thrown out the window. The one that included her taking that all-important pill at the same time each night. While for Harry, too caught up with the beautiful woman in front of him, forgot to use protection. Those two simple thoughts that slipped both of their minds was the reason to the situation she currently found herself in.

Sitting on her bed with the stick in hand, Taylor knew her world was about to change. She never thought that one small decision, whether to give into temptation or listen to her heart, would matter so much.

The stick resting in Taylor's palm with a plus sign displayed told her otherwise. She was 26 and pregnant with no steady man in her life. The one man she did have, however, promised her that it was their last time seeking release in each other that night. An activity they found happened each time one called the other or when they were in the same town. They both craved a normal and stable relationship, but believed they were hoping to achieve happiness with someone else. However, they both felt the same way for each other, but they just didn't know it. All Harry wanted was to hold her at night, while Taylor wished she were the first person he saw in the morning. He desperately wanted to be by her side when times were rough and she wanted him to be the first person she would call when she received exciting or even heartbreaking news, similar to the one that she had gotten only moments ago.

Discovering that in nine months time she was to become a mother terrified her. Taylor never imagined herself as a single mother nor did she ever want to be. She knew that the situation she was in was a miracle in disguise. It was giving her the opportunity to tell Harry how she finally felt and if he wanted the same as her. Either way, if he didn't, she knew that he would now always be a part of her life as they were to share flesh and blood together.

Taylor had to find him, knowing that the conversation was not intended to be spoken over the phone. Remembering a conversation they had near the beach, the mention of London filled her thoughts. Finding her phone, she sent a quick email before booking the next available flight to London.

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