Chapter Two: Nothing Safe Is Worth The Drive

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A/N: Hey guys, this chapter is short but it's short on purpose cause the next one's gonna be hella long most likely :) I'm working on it now. Please comment and vote. Thank you to all the people who voted on the first part and read it.

Sitting in the corner of the plane Taylor watched the people file in, occupying the spaces around her. Looking out the window, she attempted to calm her nerves and nauseousness. Taylor wasn't one to get sick on planes and she didn't want to start now. She wasn't quite sure, however, if the feeling was to do with her nervousness in telling Harry or due to the tiny human she now knew was growing inside of her.

Pulling out her phone from the seat pocket, she quickly sent another Thank You message to Selena for looking after Meredith and Olivia at such short notice. Putting it back Taylor returned her gaze to the people on the tarmac, now frantically shouting and moving to prepare for the plane's ascent into the air. Taking a deep breath, Taylor closed her eyes to help herself relax. The thought that in ten hours she would be in London occupied her mind until eventually falling asleep just as the plane took flight.

Taylor woke an hour and a half before landing, which gave her time to think over what she would say when she was finally face to face with Harry. Not long after she was thankful to see the skyline of London from her seat before the wheels touched the ground. She was one of the first people off with security meeting her at the plane door while offering to hold her carry on luggage, the only luggage she brought with her. Handing it to the man after retrieving her passport Taylor headed through a private customs area before being greeted by the London air.

Making her way to the waiting black Range Rover, she sat in the back seat quickly before the strangers noticed her. Taylor always enjoyed meeting fans no matter where she was, nevertheless she was there for a reason and wanted to make her presence in England relatively unknown. It didn't help that she had just stepped off a commercial flight, hoping people didn't recognize her.

Closing the door behind her, Taylor told her driver the address of, what she hoped, was her final destination. However, she already had a room booked at a hotel under an alias if it was needed. Looking out the tinted window, she watched the familiar London streets pass by while numerous scenarios of Harry's reaction ran through her mind. Each image caused her nerves to return, the ones she thought she scared away before landing.

Before she had the chance to recollect her thoughts, Taylor found herself pulling into his driveway and also noticed the presence of his car which indicated he was home. Her heartbeat began to increase while racking up the nerve to open the door and exit the vehicle. However, the driver provided the first for her, opening the door before extending his hand to assist her. Taking it, she thanked him for his help and collected her luggage.

Closing her eyes while taking a deep breath, Taylor strolled confidently to the front door of Harry's home before her nerves could return. Her pointer finger made contact with the small button that was located next to the door, the faint noise of a chime could be heard being played inside. Standing there in the November chill made Taylor grateful that she had remembered to pack a sweater. She was about to pull it out when she heard the words "I'm coming!" being shouted from a husky voice somewhere behind the door. Before Taylor had the chance of changing her mind and getting back in the waiting car the door flew open and revealed the man she so desperately wanted to see, her Harry.

Taylor eyed him up and down and noticed that his hair was slightly disheveled while his eyes looked heavy, the blue shirt that he was wearing, only slightly buttoned up, provided an almost full view of his butterfly tattoo. Noticing a smile had crept onto his face when he realised that it was her standing at his door, made one appear on hers as a result. Staring at each other for a brief moment, Harry noticed the bag sitting next to Taylor on the floor. Extending his arm, he lifted it with ease before saying "Come in love," while motioning Taylor to come inside.

Hearing the click sound behind her, she made her way to his living room while Harry followed behind. Placing the bag down in the hallway, Harry leaned with his arms crossed onto the wall next to him. "Not that I'm unhappy to see you Taylor, but what are you doing here?" he said after Taylor turned around to look at him. "I....uhhh.... need to tell you something.," she answered shakily, trying to contain her nerves. " I wanted to tell you in person. You might want to sit down for this."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2015 ⏰

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